Two faced people suck just sayin.... now I need to listen to this song
...Hard times build character, or so I'm told. They teach you lessons worth your weight in gold, and I've been shown things happen for a reason.Yo this goes out to all ya'll shaydee bitches thinkin we owe you somethin we dont owe you shit bitch! Thats just how it is. I... Read More
and i
just wish that i didnt feel
like there was something i missed
and i
take back all the things i said
to make you feel like that
and i
just wish that i didnt feel
like there was something i missed
and i
take back all the things i said to you....
and i give it all away
just to have somewhere to... Read More
I love how chat has become too serious nobody can make jokes anymore. When did chat become too serious sometimes I wonder who lets newbs control chat. Next time I go into chat I know ill have to wear some sort of suit or work attire and be totally serious about everything.
Ughh I miss California, Last week I spent some quality times with my friends Katerina and Despairxfaction. Ill proally end up moving there I'm already looking at houses in Huntington beach. Pics from my adventure are on Katerina's blog.