why is it that i alway find the people who dont want anything to with me. i mean they like me went im a friend but if it become more it fall a part. is it me or is it them bcuz the alway said it not you it me and unually it bullshit bcuz they're r trying 2 save your feeling from getting hurt. why don't they tell you the reason like your 2 old, your 2 ugly.your not what im looking 4, or i just wanted 2 get fuck. this is why i hate people there so full of shit. i can't even understand the people who call me there friend.
2 sat ago i was hang with my ex that i still have strong feeling 4. well we had a momint of weakness & we had sex. i like it wasnt fucking it was fun sex we lol and talk all through the act. after the act we kiss &
then the mood changed she get cold and teld me not pull in feel into it. then she want to go home i told her she could set the night but she was like i have go i have thing to do. what the fuck with that.
2 sat ago i was hang with my ex that i still have strong feeling 4. well we had a momint of weakness & we had sex. i like it wasnt fucking it was fun sex we lol and talk all through the act. after the act we kiss &