a couple days ago i believe it was tuesday
i was chased by a black man with a baseball bat at metro center. he was going fast cutting through parking spaces and he cut in front of me so i beeped..didnt even flip him off i just beeped and so he turns around follows me like a mad man to the place where i parked my car he parks his car behind me and gets out with a baseball bat he comes up to my door and starts yelling "you got my attention now whats up" and i start saying jesus christ what kind of person are you? and he says "the kind of person that should do worse to you but won't" or something. so anyway i told him to leave me alone and he gets back in his car and drives off. so i got out of my car and looked up to get his plate number i turned around and walked over to the mall entrance i was on the sidewalk by now and he backs his car up and nearly runs me down...this couple and a baby witness it all. he starts freakin screaming at me how long you been drivin blah blah blah and i said "long enough to know your a fucking psychopath" he hands me his drivers license and says "this is who i am, remember that" the couple went and got mall security and they chased him down for me...this happens to be the same day that the cop got shot in the head..so all the real cops are busy. whatever. i'm now scared of big black middle aged men...thank you crazy black man with baseball bat.
hmm what else have i been up to?oh yeah a whole lot of workin i put in 40 hours between sunday and thursday.
took gizmo to pets mart she was happy i got her a bone thats 3 times bigger than her and she carries it around in her mouth...its cute.
hung out with rachel went to michaels and got stuff to make wedding invitations. i have to reserve the spot and finish my list of people that are invited before i start making them but i dont have time to do anything!
derek and i went to davids bridal and i picked out bridesmaides dresses shoes and all that jazz
and then we went over to after hours which is like a part of davids bridal and picked out dereks tux and his groomsmans tuxes...
so we are getting some things accomplished.
a little girl at target said i was pretty last night..it was very cute.
i gave 500 dollars to the car dealership today and it made me mad.
i ate at olive garden for the first time today and wasn't impressed...also went to baskin robbins for the first time ever and i was very sad because all of their ice cream looked like shit and mine ended up tasting bad. but i ate it anyway.
gizmo at more of dereks ice cream than derek did and it was really cute and i took pictures.
we are going to san diego on the 23rd for 3 days and i cant wait to get the fuck out of this shithole of a city
im supposed to start at the hair school on the 26th but i dont have 1700 dollars so i dont really know what to do. i might wait until august.
i have been working at payless for almost 3 months and i like it. i get a 50 cent raise after my 3 month review so i can't wait.
i had a scary dream last night about oompa loompas.
i recall being in some sort of ice skating rink but there was no ice it was more of a cement floor and behind glass all these oompa loompas were standing shoulder to shouler in a line that went the length of the place..
anyway there was an announcer and he would announce the oompa loompas and they would walk one by one out on to the floor ... it turns out it was an oompa loompa fashion show it was crazy
i remember being out on the floor with the oompa loompas to observe their fashions and i pointed at an oompa loompa wearing a bright pink skirt a black shirt and some high heals and it fuckin bit my finger then i woke up
i was chased by a black man with a baseball bat at metro center. he was going fast cutting through parking spaces and he cut in front of me so i beeped..didnt even flip him off i just beeped and so he turns around follows me like a mad man to the place where i parked my car he parks his car behind me and gets out with a baseball bat he comes up to my door and starts yelling "you got my attention now whats up" and i start saying jesus christ what kind of person are you? and he says "the kind of person that should do worse to you but won't" or something. so anyway i told him to leave me alone and he gets back in his car and drives off. so i got out of my car and looked up to get his plate number i turned around and walked over to the mall entrance i was on the sidewalk by now and he backs his car up and nearly runs me down...this couple and a baby witness it all. he starts freakin screaming at me how long you been drivin blah blah blah and i said "long enough to know your a fucking psychopath" he hands me his drivers license and says "this is who i am, remember that" the couple went and got mall security and they chased him down for me...this happens to be the same day that the cop got shot in the head..so all the real cops are busy. whatever. i'm now scared of big black middle aged men...thank you crazy black man with baseball bat.
hmm what else have i been up to?oh yeah a whole lot of workin i put in 40 hours between sunday and thursday.
took gizmo to pets mart she was happy i got her a bone thats 3 times bigger than her and she carries it around in her mouth...its cute.
hung out with rachel went to michaels and got stuff to make wedding invitations. i have to reserve the spot and finish my list of people that are invited before i start making them but i dont have time to do anything!
derek and i went to davids bridal and i picked out bridesmaides dresses shoes and all that jazz
and then we went over to after hours which is like a part of davids bridal and picked out dereks tux and his groomsmans tuxes...
so we are getting some things accomplished.
a little girl at target said i was pretty last night..it was very cute.
i gave 500 dollars to the car dealership today and it made me mad.
i ate at olive garden for the first time today and wasn't impressed...also went to baskin robbins for the first time ever and i was very sad because all of their ice cream looked like shit and mine ended up tasting bad. but i ate it anyway.
gizmo at more of dereks ice cream than derek did and it was really cute and i took pictures.
we are going to san diego on the 23rd for 3 days and i cant wait to get the fuck out of this shithole of a city
im supposed to start at the hair school on the 26th but i dont have 1700 dollars so i dont really know what to do. i might wait until august.
i have been working at payless for almost 3 months and i like it. i get a 50 cent raise after my 3 month review so i can't wait.
i had a scary dream last night about oompa loompas.
i recall being in some sort of ice skating rink but there was no ice it was more of a cement floor and behind glass all these oompa loompas were standing shoulder to shouler in a line that went the length of the place..
anyway there was an announcer and he would announce the oompa loompas and they would walk one by one out on to the floor ... it turns out it was an oompa loompa fashion show it was crazy
i remember being out on the floor with the oompa loompas to observe their fashions and i pointed at an oompa loompa wearing a bright pink skirt a black shirt and some high heals and it fuckin bit my finger then i woke up