My account is getting cancelled on Dec. 16th.
Someone should be nice and buy me a membership for Christmas.

On a happy note I'm getting the new gold Blackberry Pearl

I'm excited about that!
YAY I have the internet I missed it!
I missed you kids.
Most of all I missed naked girls.
I'm having a party Saturday you might be invited.
I have the internet again...but I'm about to be super busy with work. SOOOOOO that's pretty much what's goin on. YUP!
BOSTON RED SOX...kicken ass and takin names. They better win the series!

Well I guess no one wants a smoothie...you guys are bitches...I start at the gilbert store on Monday.
i don't even know where you work...and now that your working in gilbert, i sho'as heck can't go.
i can barly afford to get to school.
yay for being poor? =/
im for the socks this series...
im a dbacks fan so fuck the rockies ha ha...
Dear Billie,

Why am I so fascinated with the idea of anal sex right now? kiss
The nest was fucking lame totally not worth 25 dollars...at least it was fun. I wish it was just a little bit scarier!! I wanna go someplace that's actually haunted like hang out in Jerome or something.I dunno why everyone thinks I'm such a bad driver...I've never crashed a car. I just drive like a crazy person from Boston. No big deal.I'm at work right...
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At work its boring as fuck you people need to come get smoothies so I have something to do plus you could make fun of my hat and apron. Tatum and Bell Robek's be there or be square
I want to go get a new tattoo to make me happy.
no one wants to go with me tho.

i sat around all night and read poetry by candlelight.
my internet got shut off! looks like i may be MIA for a while again but it won't be 2 years.
i got a lot goin on right now. i split with my husband a week ago told him i couldnt be his wife blah blah blah give me some space. so what does he do? calls me every five seconds sends me tex mes...
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omg he sucks.....poop on him
gah bitch, you did...twice...whore