Ok, ok. I havent been as active as I used to be. I guess the "newness" of the site wore off. I'm not quitting though. I like it here
Just recently I've been working to change my life around. No major changes, just changes in scheduling. I have a B- average in school, and I wish to improve on that, so I'm trying out this "homework" thing. Yeah, it's foreign to me too, but I have to do what I must to succeed. Today I also restarted my DDRing. I was starting to get a little belly and i felt like a woman when i thought to my self "Man, I miss having an at least flat stomach" Apologies if that sounds sexist, I just thought it was weird that I thought that to myself. I dont need iron board abbs, or a 6 pack, just not to have a pot belly. Like that chick from Pulp Fiction said, its cute on girls, but not guys. Apologies again for not remembering the exact quote. So along with these changes that I'm making to my schedule, I have to learn to wake up early and go to bed at a decent time. Also, I'm meeting with some dude that I met at the Wal-Mart for a job offer. It still strikes me kind of strange that a convosation from picking tomatos turned into a job offer, but I need employment so that I may buy nice things....like an X-Box 360, and more cards for World of Warcraft TCG. I guess rent is important also. So I'm sitting here sweaty, and I'm afraid if i stay on here any longer at the moment, the fabric of my pants will stick to my skin and no body wants that. Catch ya on the flip side peoples!