I know, I know...slow as hell as usual, that's me. Ten days since the last update makes me a slackass, so shoot me
The car/bike show (weekend before last) went pretty well. It was hot as Hades, but I knew that would be the case. Even so, somewhere near 50,000 people showed up to see what was on display. I had a blast checking out the old rides. We're talking '30's thru early '80's. Couple of Barracudas, couple of DeLoreans and a pair of '32 Chevys...loved seeing those. Anyway, there were about 150 bikes and I was pleased that my scoot took 1st in the Sportster All-Mild to Wild class out of 13 Sportsters in the show. Riding home with the trophy on my back was another matter.
That was followed by another week of work that gave it's best effort to truly try my patience, so I decided to go 'renegade walkabout' this past weekend. That basically means that I pointed the bike into the wind and let her decide where to go. Even though we never touched a single road we had ever been on before, I got a little spooked when things started to look familiar. I got really spooked when I realized where we had ended up. I think she and I need to have a serious heart-to-heart since somehow, between dodging thunderstorms, we ended up in Hagerstown, Maryland. I don't mean to offend anyone, but if you've never been there, let's just say that I somehow failed to notice entering the time portal back to 1980.
I got home Sunday night to find that Batty's set, shot at my place, had gone live. Big props to Team Rockstar and, of course, to Batty for making that set as awesome as it is.
Now it's another week of work, but not so bad as last week. One of these days I'll get around to posting some pics of what I actually do for a living...if for no other reason than to scare off anyone who might be considering ruining their life by going into science (j/k
If anyone is interested, a bit of my scribbling that was published at PGS
can be found here: The Somber In-Between
On the news front, one friend applied and was accepted to SG and another has applied and is waiting to hear, so there may be some more work in the near future for Team Rockstar!!!
As for the very near future, I'm looking forward to another visit from Tmronin this weekend and the mayhem that will undoubtedly ensue.
'Til next time...

The car/bike show (weekend before last) went pretty well. It was hot as Hades, but I knew that would be the case. Even so, somewhere near 50,000 people showed up to see what was on display. I had a blast checking out the old rides. We're talking '30's thru early '80's. Couple of Barracudas, couple of DeLoreans and a pair of '32 Chevys...loved seeing those. Anyway, there were about 150 bikes and I was pleased that my scoot took 1st in the Sportster All-Mild to Wild class out of 13 Sportsters in the show. Riding home with the trophy on my back was another matter.

That was followed by another week of work that gave it's best effort to truly try my patience, so I decided to go 'renegade walkabout' this past weekend. That basically means that I pointed the bike into the wind and let her decide where to go. Even though we never touched a single road we had ever been on before, I got a little spooked when things started to look familiar. I got really spooked when I realized where we had ended up. I think she and I need to have a serious heart-to-heart since somehow, between dodging thunderstorms, we ended up in Hagerstown, Maryland. I don't mean to offend anyone, but if you've never been there, let's just say that I somehow failed to notice entering the time portal back to 1980.

Now it's another week of work, but not so bad as last week. One of these days I'll get around to posting some pics of what I actually do for a living...if for no other reason than to scare off anyone who might be considering ruining their life by going into science (j/k

If anyone is interested, a bit of my scribbling that was published at PGS
can be found here: The Somber In-Between
On the news front, one friend applied and was accepted to SG and another has applied and is waiting to hear, so there may be some more work in the near future for Team Rockstar!!!
As for the very near future, I'm looking forward to another visit from Tmronin this weekend and the mayhem that will undoubtedly ensue.

'Til next time...
Come on baby....its time to update. I did just tonight finnally!