Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July weekend. Mine was wonderful thanks to all those to be mentioned below, and it went something like this...
Friday-- Took it easy after work and straightened up a little for the adventures to come, then got sucked into the TV and accomplished nearly none of what I intended. No wonder I almost never turn the damned thing on.
Saturday-- Got up at 8, took a shower and began a flight-of-the-bumblebee cleaning session thinking tmronin would be arriving by 10 for some location scoping, but got a reprieve as he hadn't time before shoots with Shera and Eva. Got to relax and listen to some tunes before my friend Sissy arrived for her non-SG shoot. Girlie came over and worked her magic to give her the look of a pornstar for this shoot to contrast with a wholesome look for the next one while tmronin and I set up. Big fun was had by all and Sissy was very pleased with the way everything went. She asked me to say that Tmronin was great to model for and she LOVED the look Girlie gave her. Anyway, NBK66 got back from his King of Prussia outing to retrieve Girlie while Tmronin and I finished up. Then we were off to Norristown Tattoo to meet up with Twwly and Shane (Redrum Tattoo) so Twwly, Girlie and NBK66 could get some ink. Great Canadian themed tats for Twwly and Girlie, and a classic Metallica image for NBK66. After that, it was off to casa de Twwly for a midnight cookout and incredible hospitality. After a great meal and a rousing game of Trivial Pursuits (yep, Tmronin and I got routed), it was home again, home again at 3am.
Sunday-- Man, morning really comes early these days! Tmronin headed off to pick up Maxi for her shoot while I nursed a cup of coffee
. When everyone had made their way back to my place, Girlie worked more make-up magic on Maxi while Tmronin, NBK66 and I headed out to scope out the best location for the shoot. Girlie and NBK66 headed off to get some food while Maxi, Tmronin and I ran to the hills for Maxi's shoot. (Did you catch that gratuitous Iron Maiden plug? It's late and I'm tired...what can I say?) Anyway, the shoot went great but we all could have done without the heat, bugs and gawking passersby
. All I can say is thanks to the marvel that is Maxi, Tmronin's photography and other talents I won't reveal, this set is going to rock...Baaaa! So, when the gawkers got too thick we wrapped it up and headed back to my place for a shoot with a SG-hopeful friend of mine. While Tmronin set that up, I had the pleasure of taking Maxi home. For those who don't know her, she's a charming lady with a wonderful personality and a pleasure to be around. After that, I headed home for the rest of the hopeful set. That one will be fun to see, since the model is a friend and the set was shot in my audio/home theater room. Sorry, Girlie, for the mix-up with the make-up. She asked me to tell everyone that they were great and that she was surprised at how comfortable everyone made her feel. When the shoot was finished, we packed up and Tmronin took me out to dinner (thanks, dude!) before heading back to Brooklyn. After that, I think I had a beer and passed out
Monday-- Not much of a fun 4th for me as I spent 10 hours staring at a computer screen writing a work related review article for publication in an international journal.
And that was my weekend. Sometimes it really doesn't suck to be me. Thanks to everyone involved for making this a weekend to remember and I hope to see you all again soon!
Friday-- Took it easy after work and straightened up a little for the adventures to come, then got sucked into the TV and accomplished nearly none of what I intended. No wonder I almost never turn the damned thing on.
Saturday-- Got up at 8, took a shower and began a flight-of-the-bumblebee cleaning session thinking tmronin would be arriving by 10 for some location scoping, but got a reprieve as he hadn't time before shoots with Shera and Eva. Got to relax and listen to some tunes before my friend Sissy arrived for her non-SG shoot. Girlie came over and worked her magic to give her the look of a pornstar for this shoot to contrast with a wholesome look for the next one while tmronin and I set up. Big fun was had by all and Sissy was very pleased with the way everything went. She asked me to say that Tmronin was great to model for and she LOVED the look Girlie gave her. Anyway, NBK66 got back from his King of Prussia outing to retrieve Girlie while Tmronin and I finished up. Then we were off to Norristown Tattoo to meet up with Twwly and Shane (Redrum Tattoo) so Twwly, Girlie and NBK66 could get some ink. Great Canadian themed tats for Twwly and Girlie, and a classic Metallica image for NBK66. After that, it was off to casa de Twwly for a midnight cookout and incredible hospitality. After a great meal and a rousing game of Trivial Pursuits (yep, Tmronin and I got routed), it was home again, home again at 3am.
Sunday-- Man, morning really comes early these days! Tmronin headed off to pick up Maxi for her shoot while I nursed a cup of coffee

Monday-- Not much of a fun 4th for me as I spent 10 hours staring at a computer screen writing a work related review article for publication in an international journal.
And that was my weekend. Sometimes it really doesn't suck to be me. Thanks to everyone involved for making this a weekend to remember and I hope to see you all again soon!