Have you ever gone home for a family event and wondered how in hell you could possibly be related to these people? I went back down South for a cousin's wedding this weekend. I spent most of the rest of the time hanging out with my brother-in-law at a local bike event, but the wedding was interesting. It seems that my cousin has married a girl that would be right at home on the pages of SG. I had met her before over Christmas and knew that she had a beautiful tattoo on her right forearm, but discovered at the wedding that her left arm is 3/4 sleeved. Add to that one bridesmaid with a full sleeve and another with 2 sleeves, a chestpiece and work on both legs. I was happy to see all that work proudly displayed at the wedding, even though that is almost a requirement for a summertime wedding down South. Too damned hot to cover up, but you should have heard the comments from the peanut gallery. No one was rude, but almost everyone had a comment to make and for some inexplicable reason, they all decided to make them to me. It was good to have the old folks a little shocked, though...took some of the heat off of my long-haired-hippy-freak ass
OK, enough rant. Hope all is well for everyone out there in SGland. I'll come up with something interesting to say one of these days.

Holy crap, I can't wait for my wedding.
hey, it was a pleasure, hope to see you again when we shoot next, thanks for the ride home and scaring the shit out of me and making me more cautious, shit now i gotta wear my helmet when biking in the city!