Evolution of a Backpiece
Got it finished back in April and finally got the time to post a play-by-play of how it went. Been a bit chaotic around here lately. Anyway, big thanx go out to Girlie for suggesting the artist and to tmronin and his wife Morgan for putting me up while I was in NYC. Huge kudos to the artist, Stephanie Tamez at New York Adorned in Manhattan for turning my words and primitive stick figures into what you are about to see. The idea was all mine, but it's Stephanie who gets all the credit for making it come to life and giving it detail. I can't say enough about how great she was to put up with someone crazy enough to get a full backpiece as their first tattoo, especially since I was pretty particular about how I wanted it to come out. We got together 3 times between April and September of '06 to work out the drawings before ever putting needle to skin. Her patience and professionalism really made this a fantastic experience. Not to mention the fact that she's incredible at what she does and I couldn't be more pleased with the results!!!
I'll probably cross post this in the tatto group, but enough gabbing... on with the play-by-play. Before and after shots of each session.
Session 1: 10/6/06, 2.5hrs
Like I said, first ink for me, so I was more than a little apprehensive since so many people had told me spine sucks. Stephanie didn't realize this was my first tattoo until she asked if I had any other work while putting the stencil on my back. She got a kick out of the fact that I was starting off with something so large. Later, she admitted that she started in a spot she knew wasn't going to be any fun for me because we both needed to know what we were getting into. Stephanie said when I sat like a stone, she knew I was going to be just fine. Guess what... spine ain't so bad.

Session 2: 12/20/06, 2.5hrs
Before we started this thing, Stephanie told me that on a piece this large with this many sittings that there would be good and bad days. Having nothing to reference that with, I really didn't understand but took her word for it. After this session, I understood. Session 2 sucked ass! Outline on the coil near my left armpit blew giant donkey balls, and nothing else was comfortable either. While Stephanie said I wasn't, I felt like I was squirming all over the place. It wasn't terrible or anything, but this was the only session that I was glad when it was over.

Session 3: 1/26/07, 3.5hrs
Added a little more outline to the sword and began shading. The red and the shading of the wall were no problem, but the blood dripping on the wall wasn't much fun. Let me tell you, there's no love in the love handle area!

Session 4: 1/27/07, 2.5hrs
So while I was in the chair for Session 3, Stephanie had a rare cancellation for the next day. Given the wait time she's got, I decided to take it. She warned me that back to back days could be rough, especially when the next day would be shading in areas she was outlining at the time, but she was game if I was since she already had in mind what to do next. All in all, not that bad. Sure, shading on areas outlined the day before was a bit tender, but not bad at all.

Session 5: 3/2/07, 3.5hrs
Going into this session, I was more than a little concerned since we would be shading the areas outlined in session 2 that had sucked so bad. If there was any doubt in my mind about what Stephanie said about good and bad days, it was definetly removed after this session. She could have used an ice pick attached to a jack-hammer instead of a tattoo gun and it still wouldn't have bothered me. For whatever inexplicable reason, everything felt fine that day and I was disappointed when the session had to end due to another appointment waiting.

Session 6: 4/13/07, 3.5hrs
Another great session... probably because I knew we would be completing it that day. Shaded the skull, finished the coil, added the modified chaostar to the sword hilt and touched up whatever needed to be. My back is turned in the shots, but there is a huge grin on my face. I'm soooo happy and amazed with what Stephanie was able to accomplish!

So, after 9 trips from Philly to NYC, 6 sessions under the needle, and a year in the making, I couldn't be more pleased with the outcome. Stephanie is a great artist and a helluva lotta fun to work with. I really can't recommend her highly enough. Love ya, Steph!
In the end, here's how it looked a day or two or three after completion...

That about does it for the tattoo news. The only other info I've got is that I'm outta here. Not SG, but my days in PA are short numbered. I've had a blast while I've been here and met a ton of great people, but it's time I go. I'm moving back to NC on Sunday. If you've already got my number, call it after Sunday for the recording that lists my new number. If you don't have it and want it, just message me. Might take a few days to get internet again, but I'll be back. And this moving business doesn't mean I won't be working with tmronin anymore... hell, we went to high school together... just probably not so often. Looking forward to hopefully working with ScottSmallin once I get down there and settled though! Anyway, I'll be back in a few days but got a shitload to do in the meantime. I know I've been slack on commenting lately, but bike events, TeamRockstar activities and the upcoming move have kept me pretty busy lately. Hope everything is going great for everyone and hope I get back to somthing close to normal real soon!!!
Got it finished back in April and finally got the time to post a play-by-play of how it went. Been a bit chaotic around here lately. Anyway, big thanx go out to Girlie for suggesting the artist and to tmronin and his wife Morgan for putting me up while I was in NYC. Huge kudos to the artist, Stephanie Tamez at New York Adorned in Manhattan for turning my words and primitive stick figures into what you are about to see. The idea was all mine, but it's Stephanie who gets all the credit for making it come to life and giving it detail. I can't say enough about how great she was to put up with someone crazy enough to get a full backpiece as their first tattoo, especially since I was pretty particular about how I wanted it to come out. We got together 3 times between April and September of '06 to work out the drawings before ever putting needle to skin. Her patience and professionalism really made this a fantastic experience. Not to mention the fact that she's incredible at what she does and I couldn't be more pleased with the results!!!

Session 1: 10/6/06, 2.5hrs
Like I said, first ink for me, so I was more than a little apprehensive since so many people had told me spine sucks. Stephanie didn't realize this was my first tattoo until she asked if I had any other work while putting the stencil on my back. She got a kick out of the fact that I was starting off with something so large. Later, she admitted that she started in a spot she knew wasn't going to be any fun for me because we both needed to know what we were getting into. Stephanie said when I sat like a stone, she knew I was going to be just fine. Guess what... spine ain't so bad.

Session 2: 12/20/06, 2.5hrs
Before we started this thing, Stephanie told me that on a piece this large with this many sittings that there would be good and bad days. Having nothing to reference that with, I really didn't understand but took her word for it. After this session, I understood. Session 2 sucked ass! Outline on the coil near my left armpit blew giant donkey balls, and nothing else was comfortable either. While Stephanie said I wasn't, I felt like I was squirming all over the place. It wasn't terrible or anything, but this was the only session that I was glad when it was over.

Session 3: 1/26/07, 3.5hrs
Added a little more outline to the sword and began shading. The red and the shading of the wall were no problem, but the blood dripping on the wall wasn't much fun. Let me tell you, there's no love in the love handle area!

Session 4: 1/27/07, 2.5hrs
So while I was in the chair for Session 3, Stephanie had a rare cancellation for the next day. Given the wait time she's got, I decided to take it. She warned me that back to back days could be rough, especially when the next day would be shading in areas she was outlining at the time, but she was game if I was since she already had in mind what to do next. All in all, not that bad. Sure, shading on areas outlined the day before was a bit tender, but not bad at all.

Session 5: 3/2/07, 3.5hrs
Going into this session, I was more than a little concerned since we would be shading the areas outlined in session 2 that had sucked so bad. If there was any doubt in my mind about what Stephanie said about good and bad days, it was definetly removed after this session. She could have used an ice pick attached to a jack-hammer instead of a tattoo gun and it still wouldn't have bothered me. For whatever inexplicable reason, everything felt fine that day and I was disappointed when the session had to end due to another appointment waiting.

Session 6: 4/13/07, 3.5hrs
Another great session... probably because I knew we would be completing it that day. Shaded the skull, finished the coil, added the modified chaostar to the sword hilt and touched up whatever needed to be. My back is turned in the shots, but there is a huge grin on my face. I'm soooo happy and amazed with what Stephanie was able to accomplish!

So, after 9 trips from Philly to NYC, 6 sessions under the needle, and a year in the making, I couldn't be more pleased with the outcome. Stephanie is a great artist and a helluva lotta fun to work with. I really can't recommend her highly enough. Love ya, Steph!

That about does it for the tattoo news. The only other info I've got is that I'm outta here. Not SG, but my days in PA are short numbered. I've had a blast while I've been here and met a ton of great people, but it's time I go. I'm moving back to NC on Sunday. If you've already got my number, call it after Sunday for the recording that lists my new number. If you don't have it and want it, just message me. Might take a few days to get internet again, but I'll be back. And this moving business doesn't mean I won't be working with tmronin anymore... hell, we went to high school together... just probably not so often. Looking forward to hopefully working with ScottSmallin once I get down there and settled though! Anyway, I'll be back in a few days but got a shitload to do in the meantime. I know I've been slack on commenting lately, but bike events, TeamRockstar activities and the upcoming move have kept me pretty busy lately. Hope everything is going great for everyone and hope I get back to somthing close to normal real soon!!!

nice work. I never minded anything on my spine either, but I figure, everyone's different.
looks like you've been busy as usual...I've just been out hiding in my garden...its my new fav place to be.
if I could just plant some jeiger, I'd be set! (yeah, I wish!
soon as you can, you should bring your closer butt (NC) to good'ol Ky, for a bumkin' mixer or two.