Gripe of the Day... GRASS CLIPPINGS!!!
To the asshole down the road at the bottom of the hill in the sharp curve who mows his yard every Friday:
Turn that damned mower around so it throws the cut grass into your yard, NOT out into the street!!! While that crap may not be a problem for cars, it's damned nearly deadly to those of us on two wheels. That shit is slick! You watched me from your mower today while I pulled a two-wheeled version of 'Tokyo Drift' and while it may have looked like alot of fun... trust me, it wasn't. Had there been a car in the oncoming lane, one or the other of us would be dead! Nevermind the fact that blowing cuttings from your yard into a public roadway is illegal, it's also inconsiderate, uncalled for and just plain fucking stupid! I haven't decided yet whether to have the local constabulary pay you a visit, or stop by myself. Either option is going to be ugly 'cause the cop I'll send is a rider and absolutely hates that shit. I'll be watching you next Friday, so watch yourself!!!
Your (normally) friendly motorcycle-enthusiast neighbor
To the asshole down the road at the bottom of the hill in the sharp curve who mows his yard every Friday:
Turn that damned mower around so it throws the cut grass into your yard, NOT out into the street!!! While that crap may not be a problem for cars, it's damned nearly deadly to those of us on two wheels. That shit is slick! You watched me from your mower today while I pulled a two-wheeled version of 'Tokyo Drift' and while it may have looked like alot of fun... trust me, it wasn't. Had there been a car in the oncoming lane, one or the other of us would be dead! Nevermind the fact that blowing cuttings from your yard into a public roadway is illegal, it's also inconsiderate, uncalled for and just plain fucking stupid! I haven't decided yet whether to have the local constabulary pay you a visit, or stop by myself. Either option is going to be ugly 'cause the cop I'll send is a rider and absolutely hates that shit. I'll be watching you next Friday, so watch yourself!!!

Your (normally) friendly motorcycle-enthusiast neighbor
sorry. but I would love to see his face after you approach this subject. duh, maybe?
Hey thank you for all your efforts on the set, it came out perfecto, and people really notice the technical side of things aside from my backside, MUAH