Sometimes you just have to get away from everything...
to put it all into perspective.
There's nothing quite like a total escape to recharge the mental batteries. Now if I could just recharge the physical batteries enough to shake off the nasty little hitchhiker that decided to catch a ride back in my chest and sinuses. Summer colds suck.
Aside from the cold I managed to pick up near the end of the trip, Myrtle Beach Bike Week was the awesome blast it always is. How can you not have fun in the sun with 300,000 bikes? Got a tan, picked up some new bike toys, hung out with old friends, ran into a few from years past and made some new ones... even ran into a few who remembered me, er, my bike that is, from previous years exploits.
All in all, it couldn't have been much better! Well, it could have been, but that's another story.
The long drive home wasn't much fun until it was over and I discovered that new sets for no less than 6 girls I've had the privilege to meet went up while I was away!
Needless to say, I've got some comments to catch up on! And one of those sets was shot in my garage and has my bike (and Tmronin's Ducati) in the shots. Check out Leela's debut set if you're interested.
On a more somber note, there is nothing quite so sad as the sound of a bubble popping, especially when it's a bubble of hope. At least that bubble kept me from doing something stupid that I thought I'd do until the bubble came along. Thanks, bubble.
Now it's time to leave a few overdue comments, take a couple o' days to shake this bug, then head off for a few hours in NYC to see the second round rendition of something from the depths of my twisted mind that is finally coming to reality, before heading off to Boston on another TeamRockstar adventure. Sometimes life really can be grand! Should be a great long weekend. Exploits next time! 'Til then, hope everyone lives a story worth telling!!!
to put it all into perspective.

Aside from the cold I managed to pick up near the end of the trip, Myrtle Beach Bike Week was the awesome blast it always is. How can you not have fun in the sun with 300,000 bikes? Got a tan, picked up some new bike toys, hung out with old friends, ran into a few from years past and made some new ones... even ran into a few who remembered me, er, my bike that is, from previous years exploits.

The long drive home wasn't much fun until it was over and I discovered that new sets for no less than 6 girls I've had the privilege to meet went up while I was away!

On a more somber note, there is nothing quite so sad as the sound of a bubble popping, especially when it's a bubble of hope. At least that bubble kept me from doing something stupid that I thought I'd do until the bubble came along. Thanks, bubble.

Now it's time to leave a few overdue comments, take a couple o' days to shake this bug, then head off for a few hours in NYC to see the second round rendition of something from the depths of my twisted mind that is finally coming to reality, before heading off to Boston on another TeamRockstar adventure. Sometimes life really can be grand! Should be a great long weekend. Exploits next time! 'Til then, hope everyone lives a story worth telling!!!

I hope so too! I know the mister was talking to you guys about some sort of a bike convention. I don't know when that is, but I hope it's soon! I wish y'all lived closer to us. You're good people.
I wish I was fun to be around. My hair has more personality than I do.