Well, it took a little longer than expected, but I'm on top again. Chaos ruled for awhile, but ought to know better than to turn away when I'm down. Can anybody say 'Chaos got bitch-slapped'? I can and it feels good.
The bike is also finally out of the shop, so that goes a long way toward relieving whatever stress remains. Kudos to the engineers at HD for coming through with the fabrication of a part that 'never' fails. Leave it to me to destroy the indestructible. Apparently HD is working on a hopped-up motor that is very similar to the beast that I created and got interested. Did I mention that they made what I needed for free!!!. Gotta love that.
Also, a big hats off to Jason, the mechanic who made my design a reality and is, quite possibly, the only HD mechanic crazy enough to trust me.
And there's more good news... I finally found a range close to home that I like! No more driving damned near to Delaware to put up with a bunch of fools blasting away with high caliber hand cannons at targets they can't hit. Last time I was there, I fired a 7 round clip (+1 in the pipe) at 15 yards and reeled the target in to find 10 holes!
How the hell can anyone miss so badly as to hit a target in another lane... twice!
No more of that shit. This range is much better. And the two latest additions to the arsenal have proven to be big fun. The Walther P22 is just a blast (and cheap) to shoot, but the S&W M&P 40 has proven to be the most accurate handgun I own... even more so than my revolver. That just doesn't make sense, but when I can put 15+1 in a 2.5 inch circle at 10 yards, 9 of which could be covered with a quarter, I'll take it !!!
So, even though work is still in a state of flux and will remain so for the next few months, life has settled down to an enjoyable level of uncertainty. The TeamRockstar shoot in NYC two weekends ago was tons of fun, even if the weather was nasty. I got to meet some great new people and see some I already knew, so it's all good. Now I'm off to NYC again this Saturday to see the initial version of something that's in the works (hint: think ink!), then headed for Myrtle Beach Bike Week on the 12th. Ahhh, 10 days of mayhem at the beach with 300,000 bikes. Sometimes it just doesn't suck to be me.
Hope life is being especially kind to everyone and that the arrival of Spring makes for interesting adventures.

The bike is also finally out of the shop, so that goes a long way toward relieving whatever stress remains. Kudos to the engineers at HD for coming through with the fabrication of a part that 'never' fails. Leave it to me to destroy the indestructible. Apparently HD is working on a hopped-up motor that is very similar to the beast that I created and got interested. Did I mention that they made what I needed for free!!!. Gotta love that.

And there's more good news... I finally found a range close to home that I like! No more driving damned near to Delaware to put up with a bunch of fools blasting away with high caliber hand cannons at targets they can't hit. Last time I was there, I fired a 7 round clip (+1 in the pipe) at 15 yards and reeled the target in to find 10 holes!

So, even though work is still in a state of flux and will remain so for the next few months, life has settled down to an enjoyable level of uncertainty. The TeamRockstar shoot in NYC two weekends ago was tons of fun, even if the weather was nasty. I got to meet some great new people and see some I already knew, so it's all good. Now I'm off to NYC again this Saturday to see the initial version of something that's in the works (hint: think ink!), then headed for Myrtle Beach Bike Week on the 12th. Ahhh, 10 days of mayhem at the beach with 300,000 bikes. Sometimes it just doesn't suck to be me.

Hope life is being especially kind to everyone and that the arrival of Spring makes for interesting adventures.

I thought you weren't coming by this time? Have things changed?