Have you ever had one of those weekends that was absolutely perfect for absolutely no reason? What a glorious weekend this was!!!
And what did I do to make it so glorious, you ask? NOTHING... absolutely nothing.
After all the craziness of late, I finally had a weekend with nothing waiting for me to complete, no real responsibilites, and didn't even have to go in to work. I didn't know what to do with myself, so I didn't!!! Do anything, that is, except sit on my ass or do whatever I felt like doing at the time. I was beat on Friday after work, so I decided not to go out which meant I was up bright and early on Saturday. I lazed around, played with the cat and actually watched a little TV (I wondered what that big glass-fronted thing was for
). Got bored with that, so I headed off to the range to blow things up for a little while. Let's just say that .40 cal is my friend.
Headed back home in time to catch a call from a couple of friends I haven't heard from in years, then caught up on some light reading I've been too busy to do. After more cat scratching, it was off to bed for wonderful, much needed, land-of-the-dead, I'm-not-getting-up-for-anything-less-than-a-tornado SLEEP! Got up today, promptly at NOON
, lazed around some more, then got a surprise call from a friend who decided she wants to be a SuicideGirl after seeing Amina on TV. Yea
, more work for TeamRockstar. Next, I hopped on the bike to meet some friends for a late lunch before riding a bit. Destination: nowhere!
Came home, mowed the yard, started the laundry and got down to the really important stuff... planning the annual trip to Whistler for this year. If you ski or snowboard and haven't been...GO! That nip is back in the air so it's time to start thinking of all things snow. All hail Ullr! And two points to anyone besides Tmronin who knows what that means, cuz I know he knows.
I wouldn't want every weekend to be a slow as this one, but it sure is nice every now and then. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, whatever that means for you!!!
Have you ever had one of those weekends that was absolutely perfect for absolutely no reason? What a glorious weekend this was!!!

And what did I do to make it so glorious, you ask? NOTHING... absolutely nothing.

Came home, mowed the yard, started the laundry and got down to the really important stuff... planning the annual trip to Whistler for this year. If you ski or snowboard and haven't been...GO! That nip is back in the air so it's time to start thinking of all things snow. All hail Ullr! And two points to anyone besides Tmronin who knows what that means, cuz I know he knows.

I wouldn't want every weekend to be a slow as this one, but it sure is nice every now and then. Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, whatever that means for you!!!
and i like your hair. and i agree, some can be morons that can be hurtful. boo to those assholes, right?