My softball team sucks. No, really we do.

Up 12-0 after our first time to bat.

15-3 going into the bottom of the third inning.

We lose 16-17. What a fucking shame.

No one can pitch, and no one certainly can field a fucking ball.

Play of the day: We're in the field, bases loaded, one out. Sharp grounder to Evie holding the fort at...
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Yeah, I would say that that's a pretty good reason to not get a date, but there is that SLIGHT chance that she sees the competitive side in you and think it's hot. More than likely, though, you fucked it away and didn't even know. shocked

But, it never hurts to apologize for acting like an ass and see if you can still get that date through it all. biggrin
i believe that it is roger and ephraim. mostly because they are the only ones who speak for the group. looking for more evidence for you though. ther is a long interview with ephraim in an old edition of the wire, which i am trying to find in overstuffed closet. smile ooo aaa
My softball team sucks. No, really we do.

Up 12-0 after our first time to bat.

15-3 going into the bottom of the third inning.

We lose 16-17. What a fucking shame.

No one can pitch, and no one certainly can field a fucking ball.

Play of the day: We're in the field, bases loaded, one out. Sharp grounder to Evie holding the fort at...
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So it's Saturday evening and I'm just wasting time in front of my computer. I overslept, actually I convinced myself to stay in bed, and missed a Central Asian lecture at 10. My car needs a jump (for the zillionth time) and I didn't want to wake my sister. Oops.

Unfortunately I created a new account on battle.net and have resumed playing WarCraft III: The...
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bitches, bitches, bitches. wink tongue

I'm so not looking forward to a 4-year college to finish up my Business degree for all the papers and shit. I'm glad I don't have to write long papers in junior college. The longest I've had to write was about 4 pages on gay marriage.

I remember the first paper my English Comp teacher had us write was a 1 1/2 page diagnostic descriptive essay using "a brief moment" in our lives. I wound up writing about the opening moments of a Champion show in Seattle I went to. I described how the hardcore pit was starting and how everyone piled up for the first words of the song. Made an A+ because I'm a badass like that.
Knockers' record after two games: 1-1.
your team's name is "knockers?" hahaha. I'm wondering if that's an honest, innocent reference to baseball, or just a reference to boobs. hahaha
Second team practice update:

KC talks too much after hitting mediocre grounders and builds himself up with "you see that, you see that?!?! that's a single!" Yeah big fella, if you were playing against us in practice mode. Truth is, he sucks. I guess that's pretty harsh, but he wouldn't be so bad if he didn't comment on all his hits. That and he...
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So I just finished my Art 123 "midterm" by using a picture from Katie's "A Shout Out" set. It's picture number 46, I dig it because of the angle and the perspective of it all...believe me, it's quite challenging and nerve wracking to get all the proportions correct. Even though it's not as good as I think it can be, it's gonna rock the shit...
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I get less interested with the opposite sex more and more myself. I've come to realize that a lot of the chicks that I go for are just sport fucks. They have nothing really to offer in the ways of a personality or anything else besides a pretty face and body. I hate objectifying women, but these are the women that make themselves objectifiable, and there's a lot of assholes that exploit that. Honestly, from time to time I find myself being one of those assholes, but I never said I'm perfect, or I was an incompassionate eunuch. whatever
oh man...prospects list...it aches to look around my file tote to find mine. oh wait, there it is! oops, another pizza receipt. frown sounds pretty dismal out there too. keep up the fight!
Spring Break destination: the Gem State itself, Idaho.

In all actuality, it was quite beautiful there. Pretty much everywhere I looked, there was a mountain range on the horizon, save for the freak blizzard on the way there. I spent the majority of the time listening to my iPod and not reading Alexis de Tocqueville's "Democracy in America" for History 353. Screw that crap.

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Avenged Sevenfold: pretty good band, like what they do, but I don't like their live shows because they get sold out to most of those Hollister kids (like you were describing) and "fashion-core" kids. Most times I really don't listen to them because it won't fit into my mold of "unadulterated hetero aggression" like my listing of favorite bands on my profile page.

I just listen to Sigur Ros, either ( ) or Aegaetis Byrnjun, when I get those "nature" moments. I had a ton of those when I was in Japan.
That AFI show was so awesome to me for a few reasons. It was the first show that I went to after I joined the Navy. I was just ecstatic that AFI was coming to Pensacola, FL, especially after I just earned my off-base liberty. It also the show that I fell in love with Brody Dalle (then Armstrong) and The Distillers. Me and friend Jeremy met our sailor-skinhead friend Matt there, too.

I got up to the front as early as possible because I knew how the crowd was going to be once the AFI started taking the stage. I wound up front and center, just inches from Davey at all times. I sang my heart out and took so many pictures (but sadly I only wound up with just these after 4-5 years). biggrin
So why would a girl show so much interest, flirt, blush, and give you her number if she already has a boyfriend, and they're just starting to get serious?

It's all so fucking wonderful.
is this the Cafe Dolce chick or the chick from class? confused

if it the underage Cafe Dolce chick, then yeah: stupid flighty bitch. She can come back when she's old enough to vote or old enough to drink.
you should be like the band limpwrist and go for boys, they are more fun, they would appreciate your record collection, couldn't car if you'd be a slob while eating pizza. would buy ya bottled rootbeer.
And here are the week's events in brief review:

Tuesday night, after my sister and I were invited to eat over at some random kids house (he apparently is in love with my sister), we went to the mall to get gelato. So I go up to the counter, and the girl who I have a crush on takes my order as well as my...
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Shit, I'm sorry, Collin, that's she's still in high school. Usually, my mottos with chicks are:

"If they ain't old enough to vote, they ain't old enough to matter."

and once they're of-age...

"If they're old enough to drink, they're old enough to think."

It sounds piggish and assholy, but statutory rape isn't something I want to gamble with, period. And the old enough to drink thing is just a matter of maturity-level preference, seeing that I'm 23 now.

As long as she's 18...
i'd say go for it, if shes really a senior. what is is 17 and half is supposed to common law in most places. i don't know. you arent all that far in age. so hey its up to you. if not alteast have a good friend, nothing wrong with good friends. though girls are scary and crazy.
I suck.

I totally had another wonderful chance to talk to my bus girl but blew it. I won't make any more of those "next time on the bus" statements.

I watched this DKM dvd today and have their songs stuck in my head. I think they're one of those bands I can be really excited to listen to, but an hour later I'm fucking...
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You should watch Office Space and do the talking to the waitress thing like the guy on there.

"Why should I change my name? He's the one that sucks." -- Michael Bolton, Office Space.