So I want to take my lip ring out, but I can't. It's a circular ring, minus the ball, so it's a smooth ring. Harder than hell to get a hold of it and even harder to try to remove the middle catch part.

Good thing Billings has a policy of no-facial piercings for employment. Ahh, I'm just bitter, six applications handed in in the...
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Will Vince Vaughn ever find a good role?

Just got back from Episode III, and I must say, it's not really that good. Or at least that's my opinion. Sure the storyline picked up and the "acting" was much better than the previous two (cardboard cutouts with dubbing would have sufficed), but I just feel as though there were too many rushed and open ends....
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Keep in mind there's gaps between each movie. So in all that time that Luke and Leia are growing up, Chewbacca's getting the fuck off his Wookie-ass planet.

I could go on about Star Wars, but I'll leave it to my friend Joe who's read all the official Star Wars books. He actually read all of the books while we we on our 3 month deployment to Turkey. Fast-reading geek, I tell ya.
They left you in the hotel room alone with Spanish television, eh? I think that one scene in Tommy Boy just came to mind. hahaha
So I'm back in Billings, hurrah!

And the obligatory job search continues. I applied online to Borders because hey, a discount on cds and books would make my life complete. No word from them, but it's only been a couple days since I submitted.

Today I picked up a couple more applications, one from the Grand Bagel Co. and the other from a small, semi-trendy...
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Well, that was fucking intense...

Quick recap: Lindsey has her ex-boyfriend/friend fly out from Chicago for her graduation tomorrow from college. I shouldn't say she "had him fly out" because he certainly made the choice on his own to come out here.

Anywho, they've been fighting, a lot, and he's been throwing "oh, you're such a shitty friend" garbage at her. To our entire family,...
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Dude, that's some crazy shit and I'd probably do the same thing, but after the chest bumping, my sister would probably have an involuntary manslaughterer for a brother.
you are more calm then me. i would of fucked him up. tear him limb from limb break him piece by piece ( integrity). but seriously thats fucked and mad stupid, mad disrespectul shit he pulled.

its a good thing he pulled it, now everyone knows what kinda piece of shit he is. next time he comes around just beat his ass.
I guess an update is in order, though there hasn't been a thing spectacular to write about.

My first two finals are tomorrow. I have until noon to hand in two three-page essays for my Jefferson and Jackson class. Both are utterly useless and could possibly qualify for the worst papers I've ever written. Blah! Not even done with the character sketch of Andrew Jackson...I...
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I try to like different kinds of music, I really do, but sometimes there are obstacles that just totally deny my appreciation.

What's getting me nowadays are the lyrics of some metal/hardcore bands. Today, while running errands and listening to Avenged Sevenfold, I couldn't help but smirk at how stupid some of the lyrics come out. Case in point:

"Raise your head and taste the...
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go to Interpunk. more than likely, you'll find what you want and more. wink
i love mastodon

really good stuff

you should check out burnt by the sun if you like them

different band but alotta the same intense shit
Ever have that one day when you spend a shit load of time and effort making something for someone, just to be nice? And then they are completely unappreciative of it? Man, sisters suck. She'll be lucky if she gets anything from me tomorrow on her 23rd birthday.

You'd think by that age, she could go to the library on her own.

Just started on...
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Feeling slightly better now; the past hour has been frustrating and stressful. Thank you UM and the brilliant staff at the Registrar's Office. More appropriate would be a thank you to Prof. Drake for giving me the wrong registration number.

All that aside, here's what the Fall of 2006 is going to tentatively look like:

Art 150: Art World Civ. Ancient to Medieval
Art 203:...
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that's a good point, where is the Rancid guys when music needs them? Hell, I'd even be happy if there was a rehashing of The Transplants or Lars Frederickson & The Bastards. I actually liked The Transplants.

I know it's kind of off, but it just involves Travis Barker as well. I kind of wished Boxcar Racer stuck around. I can deal without Blink 182 (Take Off Your Pants and Enema Of The State Blink 182), but I thought Boxcar Racer was a decent side project.
Art class was cut short today, but we didn't leave without getting our Final Project specs. Looks like I'll pull it all together the week it is done.

Last night I had a group date thingy with KC, Evie, and Lauren. Good thing KC was there because I suck with those kinds of initial conversations. Things were going exceptionally well until the ex walked in...
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dude, Collin, just get over that chick and direct your attention to this new chick.
I thought that show was a complete waste of time. I made the same point about her being a 13 year old girl in the SG Straight Edge group. It's like everyone was saying that the mainstream society knows only the gist of something and misconstrue situations to tailor to a stereotypical image. Apparently us straight edge kids are just tree-hugging sober punk rocker hippies in the eyes of mainstream society, that or a bunch of leftist homeland terrorists.

If you ask me, I'd rather be known as some asshole hardliner that'll fight 'till the death for upstanding ideals than some mindless sheep following a fad.
I just finished my History 340 term paper. It combines modern anarchism, Godwin and Proudhon along with some Goldman, and the musical stylings of Godspeed You! Black Emperor. I really wracked my brain for this one: yesterday I was in front of the computer for like, six hours and churned out quite a bit. Today was another long one, and the crystallized product lies in...
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you're actually gonna be a stalker? confused
I don't pick up change, I FLOORPUNCH! I'm usually a spin kicker that works the sides of the pit a lot. You wreck the most people with a kick to the gullet than punching at the air.

yeah, I tend to just admire girls from afar myself. The "sport fucks"--these Abercrombie preppy chicks--usually get my head turning, but that's all they are: sport fucks.

Oh well, I guess. Sometimes it's better to whine about not getting chicks than to whine about having to deal with any. whatever

[Edited on Apr 18, 2005 1:18AM]