Working blows, so hard. And so do days-off. Luckily I don't get hit with the typical Sat-Sun off, I get Thurs-Fri off. I would like to get more out of my days off, but I don't. Instead, I sit around the house doing jack shit. The other night I picked up Sartre's "Nausea" for a couple hours. I'd like to have the motivation to sit and read, but I sorely don't have it. Right now I'm kind of struggling through a rare cold. My throat is a little sore and my nasal passages are fucked.
I wish my days off were more eventful. And I wish my family was more eventful. Instead of going out to eat, like a regular family on the weekend, we'll probably spend the night in the house while my dad fries up something I have no desire to eat (read: oyster stew).
I suppose I'll just sit in front of the computer like I did all day today, and most likely will fire up for more online gaming. Yes, I'm this dorky.
Working blows, so hard. And so do days-off. Luckily I don't get hit with the typical Sat-Sun off, I get Thurs-Fri off. I would like to get more out of my days off, but I don't. Instead, I sit around the house doing jack shit. The other night I picked up Sartre's "Nausea" for a couple hours. I'd like to have the motivation to sit and read, but I sorely don't have it. Right now I'm kind of struggling through a rare cold. My throat is a little sore and my nasal passages are fucked.
I wish my days off were more eventful. And I wish my family was more eventful. Instead of going out to eat, like a regular family on the weekend, we'll probably spend the night in the house while my dad fries up something I have no desire to eat (read: oyster stew).
I suppose I'll just sit in front of the computer like I did all day today, and most likely will fire up for more online gaming. Yes, I'm this dorky.
Oh well, I guess.
ps. you so need to change your profile pic and add some pictures to your page. That'll give you something to do.
[Edited on Jun 17, 2005 9:51PM]
really good book, one of the stories freaked me out when iwas reading it, thought i was warped into the story. he writes some intense shit.