Well, that was fucking intense...
Quick recap: Lindsey has her ex-boyfriend/friend fly out from Chicago for her graduation tomorrow from college. I shouldn't say she "had him fly out" because he certainly made the choice on his own to come out here.
Anywho, they've been fighting, a lot, and he's been throwing "oh, you're such a shitty friend" garbage at her. To our entire family, this is just fucking strange. Lindsey has always been there for him since their break up and put forth an effort to keep the friendship going. He has done nothing but call her names and belittle her existence.
So he flew out here anyway (spending $240 in the process) and that first night I guess everything went alright, until he wanted to have a serious conversation. Lindsey rebuked him, and he just flew off the handle. Other factors play into this, and she thinks that since she didn't put out for him, he got upset. Friends with benefits, isn't that what they do in high school?
Today was a long ass ordeal between the two of them, mostly with him having attitude since the moment he woke up in our apartment. Because this was Lindsey's day in the sun, we were going out for a celebratory dinner-- only Ryan didn't make it. Instead, a few hours earlier, he cursed a blue streak at Lindsey while amazingly I slept through it (all night studying, deep-nap in the afternoon). When he finished his tirade, he stormed out of the apartment. We had no choice, since the bitch turned his phone off, but to leave him.
When we get back to Missoula, the situation wasn't any better. My mom stayed with us for a little while and eventually took his phone call. The two of them talked for long time, coming to the conclusion that my mom entrusted him to come back to the apartment and be at peace with Lindsey until the week is through. Well, he will certainly lose all her trust when I relay this story back to her in the morning:
I take my mom back to the hotel, coming back to a quiet apartment, thinking Linds and Ryan had, amazingly enough, put their quarrels aside for the night. Not even close. She shuts her door and they start talking, voices gradually getting louder. Ryan starts in with the "you have made me feel like shit since the moment I got in" business.
Voices raise. Tempers are starting to boil over.
Yelling, mostly from Ryan who in is infinite wisdom starts making outlandish allegations about my sister-- with me only ten feet away behind a door.
Then the shit hits the fan-- apparently he likes to lunge at Lindsey when he's pissed, not to attack her, but simulate it in some twisted sort of way. I hear slapping on the bed, as if he is punching the shit out of it and then Lindsey yells "don't hit me."
This shit is on.
Now I'm normally a calm guy, willling to let cooler heads prevail, but if you're going to assault my sister? You're fucking dead.
I bust through the door and yell, "this is fucking over!" and Ryan has the nerve to step to this. Let's see, he's about 5'10", 135 lbs. I'm 6'1", 200 lbs. But regardless, he just comes at me in this severely aggressive manner and bumps my chest. The very instant he touches me, I fucking shove his pompous ass back about five feet. True to that pussy's fashion, he starts calling out assault and how he can put me in jail.
I get right the fuck in his face and effectively kick his ass out of the apartment. He bumps me a couple more times while saying "get the fuck out of my way." If he had touched me one more time, I probably would have pummelled the shit out of him.
There is a lot more cursing between the two of us and he then has the fucking gall to try and persuade me against my own sister. Just a cold stare is all he got in return with some venomous words about how he had the free will to not come out here. Needless to say, I set him in his place.
He called a friend, but while waiting outside, he had about a million other things to say to my sister on his cellphone. We took the phone off the hook, and when that pissed him off, he resorted to the stalker move of throwing rocks at her third floor window.
Psycho? Eventually he came back to the door, around 1:30 am, and cried his eyes out in front of us, then delivered his final excoriating speech of how Lindsey should never call him again, then left cursing his way down the stairwell.
Like I said earlier, I'm probably the calmest guy on earth when it comes to this shit-- when tempers flair up I'm generally in the middle making peace. Not this time. I burned with a thousand furies and wanted nothing more than to tear his skinny ass limb from limb. Extremely violent-- too much so.
Unfortunately, I head back to Billings on Sunday, leaving Lindsey without some sort of "protection." Now I fear that he'll be an asshole to her until he leaves. Originally, his flight back to Chicago was on the 21st, but we're all hoping his ass is on a plane tomorrow.
In other news-- finals week is over and my brain is mush.
Quick recap: Lindsey has her ex-boyfriend/friend fly out from Chicago for her graduation tomorrow from college. I shouldn't say she "had him fly out" because he certainly made the choice on his own to come out here.
Anywho, they've been fighting, a lot, and he's been throwing "oh, you're such a shitty friend" garbage at her. To our entire family, this is just fucking strange. Lindsey has always been there for him since their break up and put forth an effort to keep the friendship going. He has done nothing but call her names and belittle her existence.
So he flew out here anyway (spending $240 in the process) and that first night I guess everything went alright, until he wanted to have a serious conversation. Lindsey rebuked him, and he just flew off the handle. Other factors play into this, and she thinks that since she didn't put out for him, he got upset. Friends with benefits, isn't that what they do in high school?
Today was a long ass ordeal between the two of them, mostly with him having attitude since the moment he woke up in our apartment. Because this was Lindsey's day in the sun, we were going out for a celebratory dinner-- only Ryan didn't make it. Instead, a few hours earlier, he cursed a blue streak at Lindsey while amazingly I slept through it (all night studying, deep-nap in the afternoon). When he finished his tirade, he stormed out of the apartment. We had no choice, since the bitch turned his phone off, but to leave him.
When we get back to Missoula, the situation wasn't any better. My mom stayed with us for a little while and eventually took his phone call. The two of them talked for long time, coming to the conclusion that my mom entrusted him to come back to the apartment and be at peace with Lindsey until the week is through. Well, he will certainly lose all her trust when I relay this story back to her in the morning:
I take my mom back to the hotel, coming back to a quiet apartment, thinking Linds and Ryan had, amazingly enough, put their quarrels aside for the night. Not even close. She shuts her door and they start talking, voices gradually getting louder. Ryan starts in with the "you have made me feel like shit since the moment I got in" business.
Voices raise. Tempers are starting to boil over.
Yelling, mostly from Ryan who in is infinite wisdom starts making outlandish allegations about my sister-- with me only ten feet away behind a door.
Then the shit hits the fan-- apparently he likes to lunge at Lindsey when he's pissed, not to attack her, but simulate it in some twisted sort of way. I hear slapping on the bed, as if he is punching the shit out of it and then Lindsey yells "don't hit me."

Now I'm normally a calm guy, willling to let cooler heads prevail, but if you're going to assault my sister? You're fucking dead.

I bust through the door and yell, "this is fucking over!" and Ryan has the nerve to step to this. Let's see, he's about 5'10", 135 lbs. I'm 6'1", 200 lbs. But regardless, he just comes at me in this severely aggressive manner and bumps my chest. The very instant he touches me, I fucking shove his pompous ass back about five feet. True to that pussy's fashion, he starts calling out assault and how he can put me in jail.
I get right the fuck in his face and effectively kick his ass out of the apartment. He bumps me a couple more times while saying "get the fuck out of my way." If he had touched me one more time, I probably would have pummelled the shit out of him.
There is a lot more cursing between the two of us and he then has the fucking gall to try and persuade me against my own sister. Just a cold stare is all he got in return with some venomous words about how he had the free will to not come out here. Needless to say, I set him in his place.
He called a friend, but while waiting outside, he had about a million other things to say to my sister on his cellphone. We took the phone off the hook, and when that pissed him off, he resorted to the stalker move of throwing rocks at her third floor window.

Like I said earlier, I'm probably the calmest guy on earth when it comes to this shit-- when tempers flair up I'm generally in the middle making peace. Not this time. I burned with a thousand furies and wanted nothing more than to tear his skinny ass limb from limb. Extremely violent-- too much so.
Unfortunately, I head back to Billings on Sunday, leaving Lindsey without some sort of "protection." Now I fear that he'll be an asshole to her until he leaves. Originally, his flight back to Chicago was on the 21st, but we're all hoping his ass is on a plane tomorrow.
In other news-- finals week is over and my brain is mush.
its a good thing he pulled it, now everyone knows what kinda piece of shit he is. next time he comes around just beat his ass.