Feeling slightly better now; the past hour has been frustrating and stressful. Thank you UM and the brilliant staff at the Registrar's Office. More appropriate would be a thank you to Prof. Drake for giving me the wrong registration number.
All that aside, here's what the Fall of 2006 is going to tentatively look like:
Art 150: Art World Civ. Ancient to Medieval
Art 203: Intro to Art Criticism
Art 381: Roman, Early Christian Art
Hist 370: Women in America: to Civil War
Hist 381: Modern Japan
HHP 162: Yoga and Meditation
That last one is a joke, but hey, it will get me up in the morning and it's a one credit class based on attendance. The only real problem with this schedule is that I need to take Hist 300: The Historian's Craft, which is archival research and an Upper Division Writing class. But since I'm in limbo about the Writing Proficiency Assessment I took on the 16th, this is what I'm tentatively taking. And if I failed the Assessment, not a problem, I can retake the exam throughout the fall. Hopefully that isn't the case though.
Let us see, nothing really knew to report. KC has a major thing for a softball player on our team, Christina, while I have an inclination towards her sister, also on the team, Lauren. My situation isn't really important but I think KC is heading towards a let down on a horrific scale. She's like an indie art kid who used to play softball in high school. She drinks and it wouldn't suprise me if she smoked pot. She skates on a longboard. KC, is uber sportsman, hasn't played competively since high school but can tell you anything happening in present day sports. Claims he's straightedge. Adorns himself exclusively in AF, AE, and Eddie Bauer. In essence, the two are seemingly polar opposites.
However, this hasn't stopped him from pursuing her. Last night, while at his place, I called various members of the team to let them know about our tournament game. When I got a hold of Lauren, I asked for her sister's phone number for KC. She emphatically shut us down. A little later though, she called me back and gave us Christina's phone number. She said she had a long day and is protective of her older sister. KC delved a little too deep into her being "protective." Because you know, there's something going on if she's protective, right?
So, how do I go about talking to him about this because I, in my infinite wisdoem, foresee him getting shut down. I don't want to break his heart/spirit right away, but I sure as shit don't want to be on the other end of the cell phone listening to him going off on how pathetic his life is.
On a completely different note, what the hell ever happened to Rancid? I know "Indestructable" was just garbage that sounds like a shitty rehashing of "Life Won't Wait," but seriously, where are they? Not important.
Here's a hopeful wish: that AFI plays a Halloween show this October and I get to see it. Man, my life would be set.
All that aside, here's what the Fall of 2006 is going to tentatively look like:
Art 150: Art World Civ. Ancient to Medieval
Art 203: Intro to Art Criticism
Art 381: Roman, Early Christian Art
Hist 370: Women in America: to Civil War
Hist 381: Modern Japan
HHP 162: Yoga and Meditation
That last one is a joke, but hey, it will get me up in the morning and it's a one credit class based on attendance. The only real problem with this schedule is that I need to take Hist 300: The Historian's Craft, which is archival research and an Upper Division Writing class. But since I'm in limbo about the Writing Proficiency Assessment I took on the 16th, this is what I'm tentatively taking. And if I failed the Assessment, not a problem, I can retake the exam throughout the fall. Hopefully that isn't the case though.

Let us see, nothing really knew to report. KC has a major thing for a softball player on our team, Christina, while I have an inclination towards her sister, also on the team, Lauren. My situation isn't really important but I think KC is heading towards a let down on a horrific scale. She's like an indie art kid who used to play softball in high school. She drinks and it wouldn't suprise me if she smoked pot. She skates on a longboard. KC, is uber sportsman, hasn't played competively since high school but can tell you anything happening in present day sports. Claims he's straightedge. Adorns himself exclusively in AF, AE, and Eddie Bauer. In essence, the two are seemingly polar opposites.
However, this hasn't stopped him from pursuing her. Last night, while at his place, I called various members of the team to let them know about our tournament game. When I got a hold of Lauren, I asked for her sister's phone number for KC. She emphatically shut us down. A little later though, she called me back and gave us Christina's phone number. She said she had a long day and is protective of her older sister. KC delved a little too deep into her being "protective." Because you know, there's something going on if she's protective, right?

So, how do I go about talking to him about this because I, in my infinite wisdoem, foresee him getting shut down. I don't want to break his heart/spirit right away, but I sure as shit don't want to be on the other end of the cell phone listening to him going off on how pathetic his life is.
On a completely different note, what the hell ever happened to Rancid? I know "Indestructable" was just garbage that sounds like a shitty rehashing of "Life Won't Wait," but seriously, where are they? Not important.
Here's a hopeful wish: that AFI plays a Halloween show this October and I get to see it. Man, my life would be set.
I know it's kind of off, but it just involves Travis Barker as well. I kind of wished Boxcar Racer stuck around. I can deal without Blink 182 (Take Off Your Pants and Enema Of The State Blink 182), but I thought Boxcar Racer was a decent side project.