Again, nothing important happening. I went to the dentist yesterday, which is now becoming a pain. I know most people hate going which is totally understandable, but the dental hygenist was a complete bitch to me. Instead of asking if her constant raking on my metal/cold water sensitive upper-left molar, she just kept pouring on the pain. My gums are still inflamed from her harassment. Yeah, and I have a "pit" on my upper right bicuspid. Good times.
Last night, after shovelling snow, I put an At the Drive-In (In-Casino Out) record on the turntable. It totally brought back memories of the old high school days, mainly of me and a couple friends going to this little cafe, eleven11 and harassing Millie at work just down the block. Funny, the cafe always played ATDI when we were there. Hmm. Good times again, especially because those were much more simple times.
I mean, seriously, nothing was really a thorn in my side, save for the "situation" with Millie. We were really good friends and would talk for hours and all that bullshit-- I liked her, she wasn't romantically interested in me, you know how that ends (only recently have I been trying to rekindle the friendship). So we sort of "hit the skids" right before college started after high school, and we lost touch. Looking back, I'm kind of amazed and puzzled how I got through all that drama. Unlike now, I think I just left it up to the idea that "well, I'll never see her again on campus" and that held true. I never ran into her on campus freshman year, or any year after, until now.
Roomraiders on MTV sucks. I hate dating shows.
Last night, after shovelling snow, I put an At the Drive-In (In-Casino Out) record on the turntable. It totally brought back memories of the old high school days, mainly of me and a couple friends going to this little cafe, eleven11 and harassing Millie at work just down the block. Funny, the cafe always played ATDI when we were there. Hmm. Good times again, especially because those were much more simple times.
I mean, seriously, nothing was really a thorn in my side, save for the "situation" with Millie. We were really good friends and would talk for hours and all that bullshit-- I liked her, she wasn't romantically interested in me, you know how that ends (only recently have I been trying to rekindle the friendship). So we sort of "hit the skids" right before college started after high school, and we lost touch. Looking back, I'm kind of amazed and puzzled how I got through all that drama. Unlike now, I think I just left it up to the idea that "well, I'll never see her again on campus" and that held true. I never ran into her on campus freshman year, or any year after, until now.
Roomraiders on MTV sucks. I hate dating shows.

I hate those dating shows because the people on there are always douchebags. The Date My Mom show was pretty amusing, because eventually you know you have to meet the parents. Plus, some of those moms were better packages than their daughters. Can you say MILF?!