Huzzah huzzah, three comments on my last journal post, if only they were always like that.
So, the classy thing to do would be to recap my Thanksgiving, but I'll forgo that tradition and just ramble like I always do.
I wonder when my membership expires...I can't remember how many months I signed up for.
So I tried really, really hard to push a lot of memories of Megan out of my mind. Some were tough, but for the most part I've been preoccupied with cooking and talking to relatives. So, it's a day by day struggle, but I think things are getting better. I still wish the next time I hear about her is in the obituaries.
Hmm, not much else to say now. Later today I'm going out with my best friend to an "all you can eat" pasta extravaganza. I'm pretty excited. We were set to see "Alexander" but due to the plethora of horrible reviews, we decided to put our money to a better use. I really miss my buddy, Chris. He's probably the closest friend I have ever had.
So, nothing is happening that begs to be written down. My paper for Modern Italian history sort of blows, but then again I'm not really putting too much effort into it. I think my professor has set expectations for me higher than I can achieve.
I guess that's it. More to come in the following days, as usual.
So, the classy thing to do would be to recap my Thanksgiving, but I'll forgo that tradition and just ramble like I always do.
I wonder when my membership expires...I can't remember how many months I signed up for.
So I tried really, really hard to push a lot of memories of Megan out of my mind. Some were tough, but for the most part I've been preoccupied with cooking and talking to relatives. So, it's a day by day struggle, but I think things are getting better. I still wish the next time I hear about her is in the obituaries.
Hmm, not much else to say now. Later today I'm going out with my best friend to an "all you can eat" pasta extravaganza. I'm pretty excited. We were set to see "Alexander" but due to the plethora of horrible reviews, we decided to put our money to a better use. I really miss my buddy, Chris. He's probably the closest friend I have ever had.
So, nothing is happening that begs to be written down. My paper for Modern Italian history sort of blows, but then again I'm not really putting too much effort into it. I think my professor has set expectations for me higher than I can achieve.
I guess that's it. More to come in the following days, as usual.
They probably received so many cards that an individual response either won't happen, or won't happen for a while. I'm going to see Bleeding Through tomorrow night, there's a chance that either one of them might be there (even though tomorrow is Jade's birthday), since they're good friends with Bleeding Through (and Himsa, who is also performing, ugh). If they do in fact show, I can ask them there.
hello again my dear! Nothingt o interesting to say right now but I figured I would drop by to say hello again