Term papers are a bitch. Okay, it's great and all that I have my topics and I'm starting to get into little fits where I actually feel like I want to write, but there is still so much I have to do. Two 10-page papers for my upper division history classes, by Nov. 29th. You may be thinking "well shit, it's just history." Yeah, European Intellectual and Cultural History of the 19th Century and Modern Italian History. Great classes in themselves. I just hope I don't exhaust myself mentally. I'm already 5 pages into the Intellectual paper and haven't even started on the Italian one. If I can finish off the paper I'm already started on by Saturday/Sunday, take Monday off, then use the next week straight plus the following Tuesday to finish up the Italian one, I'd be sitting pretty before I go home for Thanksgiving break. Once there, I'm gonna have my super smart friend edit my papers. It's all planned out...yes, good job ol' chap.
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Monday Jul 11, 2005
Well I just got the ol' "cannot process your credit card for continua… -
Thursday Jul 07, 2005
uhhh... nothing spectacular happening lately in this humble life o… -
Sunday Jun 26, 2005
back from the dead...minus the caps so work has been just that. i … -
Friday Jun 17, 2005
Blah. Working blows, so hard. And so do days-off. Luckily I don't … -
Monday Jun 13, 2005
...how will you ever know that i'm in love with you? that i'm in love… -
Thursday Jun 09, 2005
...as the surface of the water drew closer he closed his eyes and fel… -
Tuesday Jun 07, 2005
Alright, my journal entry from earlier today was lame, so here's one … -
Tuesday Jun 07, 2005
Now I remember why I hate working. The guy who is teaching me the … -
Saturday Jun 04, 2005
Score! I'm employed! In a matter of a few minutes, an hour and a h… -
Wednesday Jun 01, 2005
Nothing has been happening, which is a mixed blessing. No job equa…