So last night was wonderful: Millie came over and the two of us just hung out watching the Food Channel. Good stuff. Not much else happened, just some talking and random comments. She still looks great. After my sister and her boyfriend came back from the bars, Millie and I went to 4Bs at 2:30 in the morning. We talked a little bit there, mostly random crap that made us laugh. I hate trying to bring up semi-serious conversations, but I asked her about her situation with her ex. She says that she's trying to purge him from her system, except that process is really hard (I know that to be true!). I didn't press the issue about "us" at all, seeing how we just started hanging out again, but I'd really like there to be something more. Besides, there's this other guy, Fred, who sent her some flowers the other week and she totally doesn't like him like that. But when she called him to thank him for the flowers he was like, "so what do you think about 'us'?" I know she hates being put into those situations, so I'll just bide my time. Guh.
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