After a long time away..
I was just listenning to the news radio (France Info, a rather good station with a rather good pluralism of ideas)) last friday when a young PhD from north of France( Brittany) started talking about the sociological phenomenon of tattoo and piercing, saying that, based on a statistical AND (he said) psychological study of sociology, people with tattoo and piercings...
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I was just listenning to the news radio (France Info, a rather good station with a rather good pluralism of ideas)) last friday when a young PhD from north of France( Brittany) started talking about the sociological phenomenon of tattoo and piercing, saying that, based on a statistical AND (he said) psychological study of sociology, people with tattoo and piercings...
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Oh my god...
I just cant' believe...
More than 200 comments telling me such adorable things...
I passed years thinking that if people sad kind things about my body/face, it was pity or something like it.
I arised this morning from a short night, thinking to a lot of stuff but never to SG because my set had been queued to december 14th...
So you...
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I just cant' believe...
More than 200 comments telling me such adorable things...
I passed years thinking that if people sad kind things about my body/face, it was pity or something like it.
I arised this morning from a short night, thinking to a lot of stuff but never to SG because my set had been queued to december 14th...
So you...
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Happy Birthday

thank you Noel
(a bit late :p)

Poetry, large thread... Do you know Rabindranath Tagore ? For me the best poet. . How pure, how a wonderful song of life.
All the detailcare of India in the simple beauty of english language (well translated)
Then, if you don't know, just have a look on this :
"De peur que je n'apprenne te connatre trop facilement,
tu joues avec moi.
Tu m'blouis de...
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All the detailcare of India in the simple beauty of english language (well translated)
Then, if you don't know, just have a look on this :
"De peur que je n'apprenne te connatre trop facilement,
tu joues avec moi.
Tu m'blouis de...
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Thank you all for my photographer and myself =)

Thanks for sharing. I love this poet, and your photos! 

Can't waiiiiiiit !
... till my next one !
I've been planning it for months ! Now I'm waiting for my tattoo artist's draw... I gave her all the elements I want and she'll mix it. But I look forward to have it!
Why does she take so long !!!!!
It will be on my left arm, under my wolf. The principal element : a...
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... till my next one !
I've been planning it for months ! Now I'm waiting for my tattoo artist's draw... I gave her all the elements I want and she'll mix it. But I look forward to have it!
Why does she take so long !!!!!
It will be on my left arm, under my wolf. The principal element : a...
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merci =)
I think I'll write my first blog here on my photographer, because she's a pearl and I adore her work.
She is AnarkiA Rock and you can find her here :
Have a look =)
I'm really admirative with persons like her, doing their job even if Art is a lions area, where lie broken dreams 50/inch. Being myself what you can call an...
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She is AnarkiA Rock and you can find her here :
Have a look =)
I'm really admirative with persons like her, doing their job even if Art is a lions area, where lie broken dreams 50/inch. Being myself what you can call an...
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Well said. 


I remember at the world exhibiton in 2000 a guy who lectured some Africans on the social and traditional relevance of tattoos and how he had gotten tattoos and brandings to emulate and honor their traditions - totally missing to spot that none of them had any! LOL!
P.S.: How are you? You have been silent here for a while...
Well, if you are back. I am not sure... Might also be that an SG bot re-activated your account. Would still be nice if you were back