Morning with tea in the too dark office. Listening to cat Steven's "trouble" and filling a mix of sorry for myself and thrilled that the day is mine to do with it what I want.
Lately I have been working to a point that I am so tired. My new position is amazing. Back working with women with addiction and mental health issues. Which really is some of the most meaningful work of my life the end of the shift I find I'm more emotionally drained then if I was working say in a coffee shop.
Some big news in my life.
1. I now wear glasses. For some perhaps this is bad news but for yours truly (who has a boner for anyone in glasses) this is very good news.
2. The amazing and wonderful our community bikes ( has made me the hottest little road bike in the universe. me + glasses + hot road bike = team
3. I have a new kitten. Her name is pony boy and she is my hero. The other day I put her in a box in my bike basket and road her to the vet to get a needle stuck in her butt and she was so totally bad ass and brave. I am trying to not be an over bearing mama and have a mild hissy fit at the thought of her going outside but you know. It's hard. cat + road + car = smooshed = heart break.
4. I am trying to adopt different attitudes in my life these days. I think some people would call it a certain kind of grace. half trust in the universe. half trust in yourself. I guess I'm at that age where certain things about who I am are solidifying and certain things are completely in flux depending on my relationship to environment and the people I love. I wish things were simple but we swim in the subconsciouses of so many different human elements. Growing up is strange with the up and down roller coaster ride of being human. But on a less vague and positive note. My garden is lovely. Kale, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes and peas fill the back yard and its really fucking sweet to step outside and pick your dinner. Urban dining at its finest.
I am going to try and update this ole rusty hunk of Internet more. Not so much because I mind the long lapses of silence that fall between the busy moments but because I genuinely like flinging these little notes out into an abyss of strangers and seeing what bottles wash back up on the shore.
the cat.
the girl.
Lately I have been working to a point that I am so tired. My new position is amazing. Back working with women with addiction and mental health issues. Which really is some of the most meaningful work of my life the end of the shift I find I'm more emotionally drained then if I was working say in a coffee shop.
Some big news in my life.
1. I now wear glasses. For some perhaps this is bad news but for yours truly (who has a boner for anyone in glasses) this is very good news.
2. The amazing and wonderful our community bikes ( has made me the hottest little road bike in the universe. me + glasses + hot road bike = team
3. I have a new kitten. Her name is pony boy and she is my hero. The other day I put her in a box in my bike basket and road her to the vet to get a needle stuck in her butt and she was so totally bad ass and brave. I am trying to not be an over bearing mama and have a mild hissy fit at the thought of her going outside but you know. It's hard. cat + road + car = smooshed = heart break.
4. I am trying to adopt different attitudes in my life these days. I think some people would call it a certain kind of grace. half trust in the universe. half trust in yourself. I guess I'm at that age where certain things about who I am are solidifying and certain things are completely in flux depending on my relationship to environment and the people I love. I wish things were simple but we swim in the subconsciouses of so many different human elements. Growing up is strange with the up and down roller coaster ride of being human. But on a less vague and positive note. My garden is lovely. Kale, lettuce, carrots, tomatoes and peas fill the back yard and its really fucking sweet to step outside and pick your dinner. Urban dining at its finest.
I am going to try and update this ole rusty hunk of Internet more. Not so much because I mind the long lapses of silence that fall between the busy moments but because I genuinely like flinging these little notes out into an abyss of strangers and seeing what bottles wash back up on the shore.
the cat.
the girl.
CUTE kitty!
i wish that you lived closer because i want you to be my femme friend.