I wonder what you say to so many strangers. seeking a way inside your self to push back all the rusty junk and half kept secrets. broken promises. to clear the desk of yesterdays coffee mugs and empty bowls. to come up with something simple. real. slightly mysterious. maybe even a little witty. with out too many spelling mistakes.
So. Hi. little strange world in the glowing screen. tap tap. come in.
I like the idea of community. in whatever form it comes. inside out. backwards or forwards. for real or pretend. momentary comfort or long standing. I\'ve been thinking about friendship lately and how as you get older it seems harder and harder to find that austerity of the sand box I like you and you like me. At dance class the other night a woman asked to this aerial dance show and I realized how rare it is that people you don\'t already have an established connection with just ask you to do something. just cause. with no motivation other then the sweetness of experiencing someone and maybe rooting a friendship in something solid enough to stick around.
point being.
it\'s nice to have this forum for afternoon ramblings and think for a moment. maybe someone might even read it.
so cheers to you suicide girls and lovers.
hopefully soon my photos will come up and ya\'ll can oogle em or critic the photographic abilities or what ever floats your boat really.
till then. a slap and a kiss. xo.
So. Hi. little strange world in the glowing screen. tap tap. come in.
I like the idea of community. in whatever form it comes. inside out. backwards or forwards. for real or pretend. momentary comfort or long standing. I\'ve been thinking about friendship lately and how as you get older it seems harder and harder to find that austerity of the sand box I like you and you like me. At dance class the other night a woman asked to this aerial dance show and I realized how rare it is that people you don\'t already have an established connection with just ask you to do something. just cause. with no motivation other then the sweetness of experiencing someone and maybe rooting a friendship in something solid enough to stick around.
point being.
it\'s nice to have this forum for afternoon ramblings and think for a moment. maybe someone might even read it.
so cheers to you suicide girls and lovers.
hopefully soon my photos will come up and ya\'ll can oogle em or critic the photographic abilities or what ever floats your boat really.
till then. a slap and a kiss. xo.

I like to read the blogs
and can't wait to oogle your pics
