i haven't written in what seems like FOREVER. things are going good. working...teaching, having great sex and going to see tiger army on thurs. yeah! smile
sounds like you have all the bases covered, what else is there besides PBR?
good times
i haven't updated in forever. i had a teaching interview last wk. it was for 4th or 5th grade. the interview went great. i think i'll be asked for a 2nd interview...i'm crossing my fingers. last night we went to see thrice. GREAT show. they are great live! next wk is afi and the faint. woohoo. i can't wait!
hmmm....i see stars on your shoulder....cute!
Hope that the interview went well.
so far this wk i have cleaned my garage (for 5 hrs yesterday), gone and applied for some teaching jobs, hung out with fam, exercised, swam in my rents pool, and masturbated! smile fun wk so far!
hey are you going to go to the typecast concert tonight its at the gothic I looked at your posting on someone's profile and heard you live close to me
hey are you going to go to the typecast concert tonight its at the gothic I looked at your posting on someone's profile and heard you live close to me
i haven't updated in awhile. not too much has been going on...having lots of sex love , subbing a lot in elemen. school...it's okay. i can't wait to have my own classroom again! what else...been bowling. haha. and ummmmmm masturbating..which is fun! wink
hiii girlie! welcome back to life! wink
i haven't updated in awhile so i'll tell ya what i've been up to:
got a new job, saw lord of the rings, been checking out more suicide girls, had an awesome xmas and got lots of nice things, we had the first white christmas in 13 years which was very nice! what else....got my grades for graduating with my master's degree....3.98 baby! woohoo! ummmm...
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hi honey it's me. teachers rule. update your thinger!
well today we got an ice storm and i'm sicky. i'm going to the docs tomorrow. i've been fighting a sinus infection for over a month now and it's finally really hit me. blah. it's cold out too and the roads are really bad! we are staying in tonight.

what's that?
well today i officially finished my master's degree. i had my defense and they said i did great on it. i will get my diploma in the mail in 2 wks...woohoo. i am so excited and glad it's over with (until i decide to go back for my doctorate). whoooo! smile
Hi yourself! smile

Like you, I just couldn't list all my favorite bands.
My journal would 4 pages long!!!
And congrats on the Masters!!
i got a job today. i start tomorrow so im in a good mood. it's so cold..and supposed to snow tomorrow...brrrrr
is that chokehold the straight edge hardcore band from hamilton, ontario?
and i would never laugh at a harry potter fan! (there's too many of them here, they'd come find me and kill me!biggrin)
tall ladies = more gorgeousness than the average schmo can handle (*wink*)
that's so cool, what a small world. jeff from chokehold is the tattooist i went to for my first (and so far only) big piece around 7 years ago. funny too, i've just contacted him again to finish it off. you must know twwly (twlyth) from bme, she's a great gal. yay for pierced and tattooed ladies!
it's cold and yucky outside. i wonder why i decided to move back to pa after living in san diego? i'm nuts i think. have i said how much i love sg? i was looking at more pics last night and i'm amazed at how beautiful these girlies are! swooooooon!
PA is a drag. philly is cool in parts.

i miss yuengling lager. oh well... i'm in the south. it's warm here!
i had some really weird guy im me today. some people are so creepy. in other news....tomorrow i take a test towards my pa certification so i can start teaching here. i have my ca and an az teaching credential...but now that i moved to pa i need one here too. it's crazy that i'm already a teacher...yet i still have to take these stupid...
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Good luck. I always wished that I would have had a teacher into different, and more 'out there' music and art. Hopefully your tats and piercings win cool points with the kids and keep disapproving conservative co-workers in check. Have you been to the Hershey plant yet?... Is that there?
YES. I did see MCD on their last tour in SLC. Same with their new band Dead Low Tide, who has some downloadable tunes and an album or EP coming soon. Unfortuanately, I heard they're already Kaput. Hopefully just a rumor. If you haven't seen it & can find it, buy the MCD documentary movie "Rock and Roll Can't Wait". It's real good.

I like your pic... strictly boob shots are funny... especially for a teacher. not that any 3rd graders will see it.


i was watching that show crossingover and now it got interupted by a news program about some rabbi pleading for his life for killing his wife. he should suffer...die..haha. i need to get working on my portfolio that is due next wk. blah.
why do the news people think we need to see this stuff? it's like the whole "we CAN show it...so we WILL show it"

my advice? change the channel. if enough of us do it... the brain trusts at the networks and local stations will figure it out. i think.

ATDI? i miss that band...mars volta and Sparta just don't cut it!

change the channel and change the world! heh.

yr in PA? ick. i used to live in harrisburg. YUCK
well this is my first entry. i just joined here a few nights ago and i'm really enjoying getting to read about all of the beautiful girls on here. i am also on iam/bme and do journal entries there everyday pretty much. my name on there is cryingtilldawn. well i guess that's all for now.
you have beautiful eyes...smile

Yes I agree great eyes! wink *lol*
Thanks for the comment, by the way. wink
Have a good one! smile