This week is so enormously hard for me. My husband and I decided to have some time apart. I just can't take the way he treats me anymore. We both need a time to think about our behavior and to visit a psychologist... there is no other way for now...
I've passed magnetic resonance tomography today, now I can really say that tattoo is not a contraindication to that procedure. You may think I'm crazy, but I had a very funny experience lying in that space tube:
It sounds like dubstep))) Really!) I had to choke back my laughter. So I was lying there without a moving trying to find the right beat to that "music") Hope I will have a surgery as soon as possible and finnaly get rid of pain that obscures my life. I have a lot of plans for this summer! New shootings, Moscow and St. Petersburg tattoo conventions, new people and I hope my husband and I will bridge over the difficulties.
I'm veryvery tired, but trying to smile for you folks!
I'm staying at my parents' place wearing my father's tee that is almost of my age.)
Hope you're all doing well. Have a nice weekends and take care! <з