Yeah the Restarts rock! They done a 2 week tour of the States a few months back.... did you get to see them?
I've just got back from visiting friends in London, where i finally got to pick up The Mobs "Let The Tribe Increase" CD . Couldn't find any Omega Tribe though
i think a slumber party is definetly in order.. and we can sleep .. on the floor! unless in those situations you prefer the bed.
i love sleeping on the floor though, cause then i get to cuddle with all my pets... then again, when i sleep on the bed... i get to cuddle with all my pets cause they all sleep there.
I've just got back from visiting friends in London, where i finally got to pick up The Mobs "Let The Tribe Increase" CD
i love sleeping on the floor though, cause then i get to cuddle with all my pets... then again, when i sleep on the bed... i get to cuddle with all my pets cause they all sleep there.
i guess my bed isnt that empty after all.