Could it be that thing you do;
Could it be the way you seem;
All I know is what I see;
And you aint guna mean that much to me;

You said that it was just that nite;
I said that it was feelin rite;
All i know is what I hear;
And now your acting so damn weird;

What should I do;
Your acting...
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i've only read the first 8 chapters or so of the hitch hikers bible...
Jus got off work. Been hella buisy, me an a few people are reforming a band. again. This time more or less to keep us occupied. yes were so old that we need xtra things to do. haha, as for me I'm anticipating star wars 3. Been working out alot more than usual cuz der aint shit else to do cept get drunk an waste...
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Welp, woke up hungover. then took my nephew to the mall. Man that was funny. Now drinken. good times
Good day, good day. Still can't figure out why I like my job. eh. welp time to cut my hair. Yea I do it myself, uncles a barber from the ol'school days. guess the hair cuttin skillz run in the family or sumthin. eh.
Las nite I rolled my car three times. barely avoided the deer. I guess I'm okay, I really can't beleive I walked away from it. Sum things you jus shouldn't walk away from, an if ya seen what happened you'd know that was one of them.

You can see pics of my car on my website http://anotherhobo.tripod.com/ hope you enjoy, compliments of my shitty ass...
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Man, fuck it I dont even got nuthin to say. yall have a good weekend an be safe.
It's hella nice out. It was so damn hott at work that I hada take the shirt off. Five seconds later it was quickly put back on after mass woman over the age of 40 were making comments loudly an whistling. Why can't younger females work in factorys eh?

So i'ma eat, work out, an yes git my jog on which I refuse to do...
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Fuckin dead to the world damn man, Work beat my ass today. Got bitched at again for nuthing. Apparently I'm a walking safety hazard or sum shit.

Mental note for the week. Get off my ass an git a woman before you go crazy from sittin around lazy stoners all day.

optional mental note for the week. Get off my ass an git new friends????...
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Ok so I just got off work an got online. An umm well I jus one a trip to florida lol. Nope not bs'n. Matter of fact I said no shit like ten times. Oh well Florida here I come. an i git a free rental car with unlimited miles. cackles
Unlimited miles?No shit? wink
It's Easter yay or sumthing! Gotta go git my pink bunny outfit git a huge green basket fill it with candy an skateboard through fairfield like the freaky ass that I am. mwahahahaha. Happy Easter
eeek eeek eeek eeek
Welp its Saturday nite, My dude his girl an the fat-stuff went out to sum party. Pretty much woke up wit a wicked drunkeness goin on, ate sum long johns der chicken rocks. Then I took a shower an went to the indoor skatepark till like 11pm?

So much to skaten that I can't live without. It's not about busting out with the fat tricks....
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