Wake up Maggie, I think I got something to say to you
It's late September and I really should be back at school
I know I keep you amused but I feel I'm being used
Oh Maggie, I couldn't have tried any more
You led me away from home just to save you from being alone
You stole my heart and that's what really hurt... Read More
To the deep end. To the hard line.
Hold this trick together, man.
Hold this trick together if you can.
Little fevers wrapped in dedication
All strung out on novelty
Collapse yourself and try to comprehend
An angry island, a bitter bee sting
Severing each artery
To free the self and fix the in-betweens.
Isolation, mark the earth around you
Guess who's on the waiting... Read More
Thank you for your advice it is appreciated. i know you are right. Things are tough at the moment as we are apart so everything seems extreme. I'm hoping we can work out.
Great news Guys and Gals...
My interview with he store manager was amazing! This guy is so chill and a fellow lover of "heavy" music!
He says it looks amazing and hes going to call his DM tonight and see about a second interview with the DM...
He really wants me to be the store's asst manager, which is about 32 hours a week... Read More
Well this week has been full of ups and downs and all around.
First off I want to say thanks to everyones help, I know a lot of you have been worried about me, offering some advice as well as PMing me. Just to let you guys and gals know Im doing alright and it feels good... Read More
ah,its a poem of telling...could be rememberance,yes,of a particular stage in my life
yes it is for stewing over too.....but yay! it was meaned to have meaning for you too!
ok its how people in our lives so eeeasily throw around the question >how are you< and not actualy taking the time or giving a shit to actualy LISTEN -to ALL that goes through your mind trying to give a reply.......but its too deep,too long,too personal for a question that quick...so we always just end up saying fine thanks...