Just booked my next 3 hour snowboarding lesson on Saturday - hopefully I won't take 3 weeks to recover from this one, I'd better get to the gym!
Something I forgot to add... I seem to be obsessed with sex recently, can't stop thinking about it and my sex drive is the highest it's ever been, even although I've been feeling like shite for several months now. Even after sex all I can think about is more sex... I'm not sure if I should be worried or not
Something I forgot to add... I seem to be obsessed with sex recently, can't stop thinking about it and my sex drive is the highest it's ever been, even although I've been feeling like shite for several months now. Even after sex all I can think about is more sex... I'm not sure if I should be worried or not

as for the sex thing...me too...tell my boyfriend whatever it is youre doing, cos i feel like im the guy...lol.
good luck with the snowboarding too...i tried that a while back...its a *lot* harder than it looks, and you hurt for several days afterwards...even your ego...i saw kids like 3 and 4 going down like pros, and me on my arse...no fair!! lata!