(Click to embiggen and to maken full-size.)
I'm in a much better mood today. I just made a grilled cheese sandwich with a panini press, and it came out almost as good as the sandwiches made at the Grilled Cheese restaurant on Ludlow. Mmmmmm. I was listening to the radio while making it, and the nice Mr. DJ played "The Oogum Boogum Song," a song that I cannot resist singing along and dancing to.
I said I was going to make thousands off of selling swag bags on eBay, and I did. And I was going to donate half to the Guardian ad Litem and Kristi's House, but I heard the Mayor Nagin talk, and I saw some pretty disturbing videos, and I decided to donate that money to the Katrina relief effort. If you haven't donated already, please donate $10 to any of these charities listed here. Look at that photo of Japanese scooter cops chasing an ostrich. That has to be worth at least $10. Come on, y'all pay more than 10 bucks for this site annually.
Thank you.
old skool comments
I just wanted to give a shoutout to a fellow UU.
About Your Sexuality was the greatest education experience I had between the ages of 3 and 21...
Your evisceration of the crappy L.A,M.B. collection was swift, brutal and pleasing.