I received a cheese-of-the-month club membership for Christmas. And some lucky neko cats for my burgeoning neko collection. I will be the luckiest girl ever.
Oh, and I received an Amazon gift card! Yay! The very first items I bought with this gift card are the Criterion Collection's three Samuel Fuller DVDs: Shock Corridor, The Naked Kiss, and Pickup on South Street. I've never actually seen Pickup on South Street, but if it's anything like the other two? Oh, I can't wait.
Shock Corridor defined a certain period of my life. I was 15 when I first saw it and fell in love. It's actually kind of stupid, but in a really smart way. And that makes no sense whatsoever, but it's a truly darkly funny little fillum. I've probably seen it about forty times, and it's a shame I lost my VHS copy of the darn thing. I have no idea where it went, and yet I have tapes of 90210 and WWF circa 1987 and all sorts of shit everywhere. And I also have every episode of "Melrose Place" taped, because I wanted to be Mrs. Dr. Michael Mancini (and I have the trapper keepers to prove it). Which reminds me, that scene where Kimberly Shaw rips off her wig? It's a LOT like the scene in The Naked Kiss where Kelly (played by the incomparable Constance Towers) beats the shit out of her pimp with her stiletto and loses her wig in the ensuing scuffle, revealing her completely bald head. And she's victorious, of course, fixing her wig and counting her money as she walks off with a humph. And that's just in the first few minutes! It's AWESOME, you guys. You have to see it.
But, yes, Shock Corridor defined a period of my life, and I wound up turning my Gay Friend Byron onto it, as well as my Tranny Friend Violet. Violet preferred Naked Kiss, of course, because a bewigged prostitue beating the shit out of her pimp and taking the money that is rightfully hers? It beats out loonies saying classic lines like, "I am impotent... And I like it!" At least, it does among the tranny camp.
Oh, I never thought I'd say this, but I'm kind of glad Celio's away and I changed to a new birth control pills, because I think that's what explains the weird sex dreams I've been having. Truman Capote? Andrew Bird and Sufjan Stevens double penetration? You name it, I've dreamt it in the past month or so. And it's because of these dreams that I remembered the NYMPHOS! scene and remembered how much I loved Shock Corridor and needed it for my very own. Love it.
Oh, and I received an Amazon gift card! Yay! The very first items I bought with this gift card are the Criterion Collection's three Samuel Fuller DVDs: Shock Corridor, The Naked Kiss, and Pickup on South Street. I've never actually seen Pickup on South Street, but if it's anything like the other two? Oh, I can't wait.
Shock Corridor defined a certain period of my life. I was 15 when I first saw it and fell in love. It's actually kind of stupid, but in a really smart way. And that makes no sense whatsoever, but it's a truly darkly funny little fillum. I've probably seen it about forty times, and it's a shame I lost my VHS copy of the darn thing. I have no idea where it went, and yet I have tapes of 90210 and WWF circa 1987 and all sorts of shit everywhere. And I also have every episode of "Melrose Place" taped, because I wanted to be Mrs. Dr. Michael Mancini (and I have the trapper keepers to prove it). Which reminds me, that scene where Kimberly Shaw rips off her wig? It's a LOT like the scene in The Naked Kiss where Kelly (played by the incomparable Constance Towers) beats the shit out of her pimp with her stiletto and loses her wig in the ensuing scuffle, revealing her completely bald head. And she's victorious, of course, fixing her wig and counting her money as she walks off with a humph. And that's just in the first few minutes! It's AWESOME, you guys. You have to see it.
But, yes, Shock Corridor defined a period of my life, and I wound up turning my Gay Friend Byron onto it, as well as my Tranny Friend Violet. Violet preferred Naked Kiss, of course, because a bewigged prostitue beating the shit out of her pimp and taking the money that is rightfully hers? It beats out loonies saying classic lines like, "I am impotent... And I like it!" At least, it does among the tranny camp.
Oh, I never thought I'd say this, but I'm kind of glad Celio's away and I changed to a new birth control pills, because I think that's what explains the weird sex dreams I've been having. Truman Capote? Andrew Bird and Sufjan Stevens double penetration? You name it, I've dreamt it in the past month or so. And it's because of these dreams that I remembered the NYMPHOS! scene and remembered how much I loved Shock Corridor and needed it for my very own. Love it.
Don't you have cheese to eat? 

time for a trip to the video store