Well, here's my last journal entry for a while, grrls and bois. I'll be out of town for a couple of days.
I'm going to London, Ontario for the weekend through to Monday at least. You see, my BF is leaving me for about ten weeks for special job training and I'm seeing him off. Helping him pack, move, unpack. God, I'm gonna miss him.
It's very strange. We've been living together since September and you don't realize how quickly you get used to sleeping beside someone at night, kissing them good-bye in the morning, and welcoming them home at night. You aren't always conscious of that warmth beside you on the couch while you're watching a movie, or even playing video games. You don't expect that you're going to burst into tears when you notice that his alarm clock isn't on the bedside table anymore.
I'll see him every other weekend, mind you. We'll go to the goth or the gay bar. Drink and dance and be merry. Then I'll get to say my good-byes all over again and miss him as you can only miss someone in those first few minutes, hours and days: intensely, fiercely and most of all, painfully.
Ten weeks. I'll get through it. Ten weeks. That's all. Ten weeks.
I'm going to London, Ontario for the weekend through to Monday at least. You see, my BF is leaving me for about ten weeks for special job training and I'm seeing him off. Helping him pack, move, unpack. God, I'm gonna miss him.
It's very strange. We've been living together since September and you don't realize how quickly you get used to sleeping beside someone at night, kissing them good-bye in the morning, and welcoming them home at night. You aren't always conscious of that warmth beside you on the couch while you're watching a movie, or even playing video games. You don't expect that you're going to burst into tears when you notice that his alarm clock isn't on the bedside table anymore.
I'll see him every other weekend, mind you. We'll go to the goth or the gay bar. Drink and dance and be merry. Then I'll get to say my good-byes all over again and miss him as you can only miss someone in those first few minutes, hours and days: intensely, fiercely and most of all, painfully.
Ten weeks. I'll get through it. Ten weeks. That's all. Ten weeks.
Hopefully you will able to reach him by phone at least? i'm sure he'd rather be no place other than with you.
Enjoy your weekend!!!