Morning Everybody
I hope you are all well and had good weekends
Despite the whole family being a different stages of a lovely flu bug we managed to put up all the Christmas decorations, both in my house and my sister's appartment. Everything now feels Christmasy and I love it!
Over the week I have managed to finally watch 'The Da Vinci Code' and I honestly cannot see what the fuss was all about, it was a good watch, but nothing special. 'Angels and Demons' on the other hand I thought was a really good movie, despite apparently not being as good as the book, but I personally find hard to believe as from what I have heard - from big readers - Dan Brown is an awful writer.
Right now I just want it to be Christmas. I have bought some really nice presents, which I am sure everyone will love, and want to see the look their face when they unwrap them. Then of course there is the Doctor Who Christmas Special, I cannot begin to explain how excited I am to see this, and part on New Years Day
I will finally get paid on New Years Eve for my six weeks of night work at my local Sainsbury's, which means I can pay everyone back for the loan out I got to buy Christmas presents, then hopefully I will have some money left over to buy some alcohol for the New Years house party.
Then roll on 2010. I am all ready really excited about next year. H.I.M.'s new album, 'Screamworks: Love In Theory and Practice', comes out on Monday 8 February and I will then be seeing them at an intimate gig on Valentine's Day. Opeth will be doing a special concert at The Royal Albert Hall on 5 April, where they will be performing 'Blackwater Park' (which is my favourite Opeth album) in it's entirety, and from the seating plan I think there will be an live orchestra - which I hope is true as that would be amazing! On top of both those awesome things Coheed & Cambria will be releasing their final album (prequel/origin) from their 'Amory Wars Saga', which they are calling 'Year Black Rainbow', they will also be releasing an extremely special edition version of the album which comes with a 300+ page novel of the same name - which is rumored to be the first of the five-part 'Amory Wars' series.
These are just the music related awesomeness coming in 2010, it also look like there are some great films coming out next year too, but I doubt it will beat 2008 which is still one of the best movie years in recent memory.
I believe that is all I have to say...well it is for now...I might update this at later date.
So until next time, be good, and if you can't be good, be careful
Also, I hope to see Bo Bruce live in 2009, I saw her during the summer and despite being a short set it rocked!
I hope you are all well and had good weekends
Despite the whole family being a different stages of a lovely flu bug we managed to put up all the Christmas decorations, both in my house and my sister's appartment. Everything now feels Christmasy and I love it!
Over the week I have managed to finally watch 'The Da Vinci Code' and I honestly cannot see what the fuss was all about, it was a good watch, but nothing special. 'Angels and Demons' on the other hand I thought was a really good movie, despite apparently not being as good as the book, but I personally find hard to believe as from what I have heard - from big readers - Dan Brown is an awful writer.
Right now I just want it to be Christmas. I have bought some really nice presents, which I am sure everyone will love, and want to see the look their face when they unwrap them. Then of course there is the Doctor Who Christmas Special, I cannot begin to explain how excited I am to see this, and part on New Years Day

I will finally get paid on New Years Eve for my six weeks of night work at my local Sainsbury's, which means I can pay everyone back for the loan out I got to buy Christmas presents, then hopefully I will have some money left over to buy some alcohol for the New Years house party.
Then roll on 2010. I am all ready really excited about next year. H.I.M.'s new album, 'Screamworks: Love In Theory and Practice', comes out on Monday 8 February and I will then be seeing them at an intimate gig on Valentine's Day. Opeth will be doing a special concert at The Royal Albert Hall on 5 April, where they will be performing 'Blackwater Park' (which is my favourite Opeth album) in it's entirety, and from the seating plan I think there will be an live orchestra - which I hope is true as that would be amazing! On top of both those awesome things Coheed & Cambria will be releasing their final album (prequel/origin) from their 'Amory Wars Saga', which they are calling 'Year Black Rainbow', they will also be releasing an extremely special edition version of the album which comes with a 300+ page novel of the same name - which is rumored to be the first of the five-part 'Amory Wars' series.
These are just the music related awesomeness coming in 2010, it also look like there are some great films coming out next year too, but I doubt it will beat 2008 which is still one of the best movie years in recent memory.
I believe that is all I have to say...well it is for now...I might update this at later date.
So until next time, be good, and if you can't be good, be careful
Also, I hope to see Bo Bruce live in 2009, I saw her during the summer and despite being a short set it rocked!
Hahaha, you were nothing like what I was vaugely thinking you'd be. Great to meet you at last.

Good to meet you on Friday.