Hello one and all
I believe this my first rant blog, you have been warned
I have no been unemployed for 8 weeks, not from my own choice, but because of this shitty recession. The bank branch I was working out closed down because it was too much for the company to keep us running.
The first week of unemployment was awesome, as I was doing volunteer work at Sci-Fi London, where I met and hung out with loads of really cool people.
Once that week finished it all really sunk in, I got bored quickly, as I went from having a massive socialising experience to just me and my cat most of the day.
Initially I took advantage of having no work by staying up late, waking up around noon, and just staying in bed all day...often being joined by my Titch (the Puss).
After a while I got bored of pretty much doing nothing, so I started to workout everyday, just to give myself something to do. Luckily this was during the period of amazing weather in London, so I would jog around the block when it was sunny, or lift weights indoors when it was not such good weather. I ended up losing around 15lbs over two weeks, toned up quite well and got a good tan, but had no money to go out and show it off...what a bitch haha
Now I have got bored with working out. So I am (re)reading through my graphic novel collection, either indoors, in the garden or occasionally after a walk (depending on the weather).
The worst thing about this whole unemployment situation is the fact that millions of British people are also jobless and trying to claim Job Seekers Allowance. Due to this, there is a backlog, which means I have not been paid my allowance TWO MONTHS!!! The reason I signed on was because I need the money, as I can look for jobs on my own, so the fact they have not paid me is defying the point of what I want to get out them and makes me wonder why I should bother going every fortnight.
On a good note, mum is doing her homemade curry for dinner tonight, which is very tasty and VERY spicy - Lovely!
I believe this my first rant blog, you have been warned
I have no been unemployed for 8 weeks, not from my own choice, but because of this shitty recession. The bank branch I was working out closed down because it was too much for the company to keep us running.
The first week of unemployment was awesome, as I was doing volunteer work at Sci-Fi London, where I met and hung out with loads of really cool people.
Once that week finished it all really sunk in, I got bored quickly, as I went from having a massive socialising experience to just me and my cat most of the day.
Initially I took advantage of having no work by staying up late, waking up around noon, and just staying in bed all day...often being joined by my Titch (the Puss).
After a while I got bored of pretty much doing nothing, so I started to workout everyday, just to give myself something to do. Luckily this was during the period of amazing weather in London, so I would jog around the block when it was sunny, or lift weights indoors when it was not such good weather. I ended up losing around 15lbs over two weeks, toned up quite well and got a good tan, but had no money to go out and show it off...what a bitch haha
Now I have got bored with working out. So I am (re)reading through my graphic novel collection, either indoors, in the garden or occasionally after a walk (depending on the weather).
The worst thing about this whole unemployment situation is the fact that millions of British people are also jobless and trying to claim Job Seekers Allowance. Due to this, there is a backlog, which means I have not been paid my allowance TWO MONTHS!!! The reason I signed on was because I need the money, as I can look for jobs on my own, so the fact they have not paid me is defying the point of what I want to get out them and makes me wonder why I should bother going every fortnight.
On a good note, mum is doing her homemade curry for dinner tonight, which is very tasty and VERY spicy - Lovely!

try next sunday! i am excited. thanks for the comment.
Shhh it's a secret!