Hello one and all
Here is a rant brought to you by David Hodgson
I have been single for so long now it is becoming a real downer on my life, I've only really found two or girls I have really fallen for and felt it could go places, as well as having others I just thought "dating them would be cool" or "I would LOVE to have sex with her".
Over the past 3-4 years I have gone after these few girls, tried to play games (as annoyingly girls only seem to want to date you if you seem uninterested in them WTF???), others I have been upfront with my feelings towards them.
One girl pretty much turned me down cause I wasn't a skinny emo, another because I was too forward about how I felt, and you know what I don't care.
I am who I am, I do not want to be skinny, but I am going to the gym as often as possible because I want to lose weight, get fit, and tone up my body so I am happy with the way I look. About being to upfront about my feelings, I'd rather show that I like someone so they know they will have my love and I will care for them, than pretending I don't give a shit. I never don't give a shit, most of the girls I fall for are my friends, and to me my friends are my family so acting as if I don't care...pfft...not going to happen it's just not in my nature.
If only I could write songs without being stoned, I'm sure I could have made this into a kickass song, or atleast a poem
Oh well, rant over, night all
Kind Regards
Here is a rant brought to you by David Hodgson
I have been single for so long now it is becoming a real downer on my life, I've only really found two or girls I have really fallen for and felt it could go places, as well as having others I just thought "dating them would be cool" or "I would LOVE to have sex with her".
Over the past 3-4 years I have gone after these few girls, tried to play games (as annoyingly girls only seem to want to date you if you seem uninterested in them WTF???), others I have been upfront with my feelings towards them.
One girl pretty much turned me down cause I wasn't a skinny emo, another because I was too forward about how I felt, and you know what I don't care.
I am who I am, I do not want to be skinny, but I am going to the gym as often as possible because I want to lose weight, get fit, and tone up my body so I am happy with the way I look. About being to upfront about my feelings, I'd rather show that I like someone so they know they will have my love and I will care for them, than pretending I don't give a shit. I never don't give a shit, most of the girls I fall for are my friends, and to me my friends are my family so acting as if I don't care...pfft...not going to happen it's just not in my nature.
If only I could write songs without being stoned, I'm sure I could have made this into a kickass song, or atleast a poem

Oh well, rant over, night all
Kind Regards
Thank you for the incredibly lovely comment on my set. You rock!
thanks but the lighting is too dark to see the image