IIt's actually nice because its just something that has happened and it's not even my care of self that drives me anymore. I've seen the passion I've been hiding deep inside. I have a great passion for life and it's because I've seen my own qualities in them that i'm easily able to access these traits at any given time.
I've hit the driving forward...
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II've been sitting around making plans because I'm super bored with all this wonderful waiting game business.
It's actually annoying as hell. I just want it to be October so I can get my bank shit in order.
I got a hold of a grapefruit skin and doodled on it with my little friend. Expect a picture soon.

i'm not doing work with it i got it so i can mutilate my own leg(at some point probably around the end of winter). i kinda refuse to put anyone at risk i wouldn't myself take, (so we are clear i will not get a house tattoo from anyone that cannot show me a obviously sterile environment)
probably work on the fruit first to compare...
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and now i'm gonna edit this post
"nana nana nana nana" *shink* *shink*
(large bold letters spilt down the lentgh and fall to the ground.
i'm slowwly beginning a rampage.
i wonder if nobody wanted to chat because they know i know to many people already; or worse they might know thaat most of those people are inside my head
that was an edit. oh so is this