I guess it's a good thing that one of the only neurotic behaviors that has been passed on to me from my parents is punctuality....that, and recycled jokes. BOY am I a glutton for beating a clever quip to death. I'm sitting in the Portland International Airport with too much time on my hands. Somehow through the angst and excitement of leaving, I rationalized to myself that I just NEEDED to be at the airport a full three hours before taking off to Philly. It's good though. I got all of my goodbye's in. Spent my last days on the continent with the people who matter most to me and I (think) I'm ready to start anew.
As I embark on this new chapter in my life, analyzing the costs and benefits of my decisions and everything that I'm about to encounter over the next two years...law school's not looking that tough anymore!
I went to lunch yesterday with my mom, and it was quite visible my mind was preoccupied. I kept staring off in space, couldn't eat my whole meal (which is quite an anomaly in our family). She really started to get worried when I didn't even make an attempt to hit on the cute girl sitting next to us...I guess a mother's intuition never fades, even if she knows her son's a snake. It was cute though, she really wanted to figure out what exactly was bothering me...where all my nervous energy was coming from. So very sweetly she asked, 'Zacky, are you really just worried about being so lonely over there that you'll end up in a relationship that you won't be happy...is that where most of your nerves are coming from?' It was then that I realized my mother doesn't know me at all...it's as if she thought I've been single the past six years because I've been occupied or had something to do! I replied to her, 'Ma, looking at Maslow's 'Hierarchy of Needs,' an empty relationship is still two or three steps above having access to shelter and water...I don't even know where I'm going to be sleeping tomorrow night! No, I'm more concerned about having access to clean water, than an empty relationship!' But it was cute that she cared...I just think she wants me to find someone asap...
So it looks as if there's no turning back now...the plane is getting ready to board...talk to y'all on the other side!
As I embark on this new chapter in my life, analyzing the costs and benefits of my decisions and everything that I'm about to encounter over the next two years...law school's not looking that tough anymore!
I went to lunch yesterday with my mom, and it was quite visible my mind was preoccupied. I kept staring off in space, couldn't eat my whole meal (which is quite an anomaly in our family). She really started to get worried when I didn't even make an attempt to hit on the cute girl sitting next to us...I guess a mother's intuition never fades, even if she knows her son's a snake. It was cute though, she really wanted to figure out what exactly was bothering me...where all my nervous energy was coming from. So very sweetly she asked, 'Zacky, are you really just worried about being so lonely over there that you'll end up in a relationship that you won't be happy...is that where most of your nerves are coming from?' It was then that I realized my mother doesn't know me at all...it's as if she thought I've been single the past six years because I've been occupied or had something to do! I replied to her, 'Ma, looking at Maslow's 'Hierarchy of Needs,' an empty relationship is still two or three steps above having access to shelter and water...I don't even know where I'm going to be sleeping tomorrow night! No, I'm more concerned about having access to clean water, than an empty relationship!' But it was cute that she cared...I just think she wants me to find someone asap...
So it looks as if there's no turning back now...the plane is getting ready to board...talk to y'all on the other side!