i just cant figure out how to get pics up on SG...i must be retarded!!!! can someone help me with this?
other than that, all is good...adjusting to being back in the states, which is actually weirder than i had previously thought. I'm back in portland because of family things...but all is looking up...starting my law school applications soon, which will be nice to finally feel as though I have some sort of direction for the first time since I finished my undergrad (two years ago now)...I found a job... www.redstartavern.com should be pretty cool, i've worked for that company on and off for like five years now and they are super good to employees and whatnot...should be able to make decent cash...at least enough to save up for my next trip this April.....AFRICA BABY!!!! I'm going from Cairo to Capetown with a buddy of mine from college and we're thinking of making a documentary...could be interesting, something titled like 'understanding a culture we know nothing about'...where we would show what nightlife is really like in major African cities and contrast that with political struggles of particular countries. idk, still in the infantile stages...
send me some love people, and tell me how to figure out how to post these pics!!!
other than that, all is good...adjusting to being back in the states, which is actually weirder than i had previously thought. I'm back in portland because of family things...but all is looking up...starting my law school applications soon, which will be nice to finally feel as though I have some sort of direction for the first time since I finished my undergrad (two years ago now)...I found a job... www.redstartavern.com should be pretty cool, i've worked for that company on and off for like five years now and they are super good to employees and whatnot...should be able to make decent cash...at least enough to save up for my next trip this April.....AFRICA BABY!!!! I'm going from Cairo to Capetown with a buddy of mine from college and we're thinking of making a documentary...could be interesting, something titled like 'understanding a culture we know nothing about'...where we would show what nightlife is really like in major African cities and contrast that with political struggles of particular countries. idk, still in the infantile stages...
send me some love people, and tell me how to figure out how to post these pics!!!
go to ur photo albums. click browse and select the photo or type in the directory.... lol thanks for the friend request.... I had a drunken night recently...
Hey I'm home finally
Sorry I've been here, there, and everywhere the last 2 weeks but I'm back now yay lol