well, as you can see, im no longer an sg. and while nothing official has been said to me (nothing approximating a reason was said at all) im pretty confident now that this thread is why. i think especially when i gave a url to nugget's site. first of all, i have no idea if i'll ever be on the nugget site, i didnt even know they HAD a site until recently and i posed for the pictures for their MAGAZINE last august, whereas i took my sg sets this march, and was told at the time that none of the print work ive shot in the past would be a problem. apparently that wasnt the case. as far as my comment about the url goes, it was a direct (albeit naive) response to a member's question, and the way that i intended it to mean was 'dont even bother with the website' because ive never really seen it and i have no idea if they just copy the magazine or what. so heres the deal, since missy and sean are being terribly obtuse and tightlipped, i can only speculate what the issue here was, but i have 3 main ideas. 1) even though its not part of their stated policy, they dont want anyone modeling for any other erotica. 2) even though they try to present a fun and empowering female oriented take on sexuality, when it comes down to anything more than an 18 year old with her hands down her underwear, they cant deal. so maybe the fact that it was hardcore, as opposed to cheesecake was the issue. 3) they mistakenly thought that i modeled for anothe site and was advertising it here. no, i havent modeled for another site, the magazine (no competition, completely different target audience, appeal, and marketing) just happens to have a website and since i did a set for them, its possible that at some time i might show up on the site. all of which i didnt even know until about a month ago when my boy thought of looking for a corresponding site.
now, heres the main issue. instead of being adult, respectful, and professional, and talking to me first to a) find out the full true story and then b) talk about what theyre comfortable with or what they want me to do, i was just instantatneously 'disappeared'. then upon further inquiry as i watched in horror as all of my pics and features and whatnot changed and shut down, the only response i was given was that my pics 'werent right for the site.' bullshit. i have posted a couple of samples from my sets and you all can be the judge, but in terms of compisiton and photoquality they are great, and in terms of me, well, mitten is a photoshoping queen. i look pretty good, and was very happy and impressed with what she showed me.
there was also talk of 3 other sf area limbo girls that got zapped, but i checked out their pages and it seems to me the most likely reason was because they hadnt posted a journal entry or been active for over a month, sometimes a few months. i have consistently been an active member of this community, have gone to events, tried to make friends online, posted in the groups and boards, came up with ideas to spread the sg gospel and make us money, etc. i was really excited about this site. but now im realizing that a lot of what they claim goes only as far as the interface. watch out all of you. watch what you say and do. you arent safe here, especially if youre likely to speak up or be controversial. dont put too much faith into a website, even one that has super hot naked girls on it (many of whom are really excellent people.) youve all heard the parables about power, just keep that in mind. i have seen a long time member get zotted only for questioning the rationale and reasoning used in this decision against me, this is someone i dont know who stood up, not in rebellion, but just as a resonable curious mind and he was quickly and harshly reprimanded.

I am so so so happy that you're coming to Pavement's End! I cannot wait to see you! I might go out to the property this weekend to start builing domes and the stages! I'm the assistant stage mangager now! eep!
how the site looks? what do you mean?