my first ever feature set of pr0n in a magazine is out! its august's issue of nugget, and i just got a copy! i have an 8 page set, and a inset picture on the cover. the shoot is called desert demon, we shot it in the black rock desert last year with an awesome woman photographer who is one of my friends now (www.karimacherif.com). its a bondage shoot with ben, my ex from baltimore, and if you are squeamish about such things, yes it does contain penetration. im really excited, ive been waiting for this for almost a year and now im finally a printed PORN STAR! w00t! i went to a store today to buy an issue (my free one hasnt come yet and s randomly saw it at a friends house yesterday and told me so i had to get one asap ) and i was really excited that it was the right issue and i brought it up to pay for it and said "look! thats me!" to the guy and girl who worked there and they got all excited and made me autograph copies for them. tee hee! i think it will only be on sale until the end of the month, if youre interested.
in other news, i also got some of the 'family portraits' that larry utley shot for all of us at the studio a couple of weeks ago. they are really really good. im really happy about it and excited that he wants to do a private shoot with me soon. i cant wait to add all of this new stuff to my portfolio. i still need to loose lots of weight though, or no one will want to actually pay me ooh! and i fucked around with my really cute pixie-ish friend ann in the hot tub last night and i think shed make a great sg. today we had a really good long talk and found out that we were very similar in a lot of ways and it was so great to get some intimate girl time with someone i can relate to. a lot of other bad stuff happened (at least inside my head) and i managed to hurt s inadvertantly, but im really excited right now plus ive decided to make a conserted effort to concentrate on positivity and not feeling so bad about myself and just being more accepting, so thats all i really need to say about that right now. except that i really hope i get the chance to fuck ann at some point in the future when im not as drunk.
I've a friend that's really into Geek Love as well.