my body hurts. i was finally making some really good emotional progress with ben, he was starting to open up and i was feeling better and i wrote him a really long cathartic email and the fucking computer or yahoo or the connection or WHATEVER fucking ate it. i havent had the stomach to try to recreate it yet, and i know it wont be as good and i'll forget a lot of what i wanted to say.
i had a beautiful west coast moment last night, i went to trannyshack because it was david bowie night and the friend that djd at the photo exhibit opening was going to sing rock n roll suicide. unfortunately we could hear him as we waited in line outside, it was packed. anyway, we got in after missing him and im watching a bunch of drag queens and queer performers lip synch or sing bowie, and im surrounded by hot gay bois, dykes, all kinds of queer people and the hets that love them and someone from the audience hands the monroe-style mc a joint. she passes it around the stage and then hands it into the audience, so of course i take it and then pass it on. jesus i love this city. the finale was a perfromance of memory of a free festival, a song that always reminds me of the best of playa del fuego. it was performed by a 70's jesus like interpretation of bowie and two hippie chicks, the part where he sings about blessings the faux bowie put pretend tabs of acid on the girls lips, and he had a huge bunch of daisies he was handing to the audience. then the whole scene switched and he changed into a shades wearing elvis looking guy with a punch bowl and he was passing out kool aid to all of the various bowie impersonators and then they all died in a heap on top of each other and the audience threw their flowers on top of them. it was hilarious.
im in minor sex withdrawl. the boy and i have been on different cycles with sex for the last couple of days, meaning whenever one of us is interested the other is asleep or late for something. this will be remidied tonight, though, i promise

i had a beautiful west coast moment last night, i went to trannyshack because it was david bowie night and the friend that djd at the photo exhibit opening was going to sing rock n roll suicide. unfortunately we could hear him as we waited in line outside, it was packed. anyway, we got in after missing him and im watching a bunch of drag queens and queer performers lip synch or sing bowie, and im surrounded by hot gay bois, dykes, all kinds of queer people and the hets that love them and someone from the audience hands the monroe-style mc a joint. she passes it around the stage and then hands it into the audience, so of course i take it and then pass it on. jesus i love this city. the finale was a perfromance of memory of a free festival, a song that always reminds me of the best of playa del fuego. it was performed by a 70's jesus like interpretation of bowie and two hippie chicks, the part where he sings about blessings the faux bowie put pretend tabs of acid on the girls lips, and he had a huge bunch of daisies he was handing to the audience. then the whole scene switched and he changed into a shades wearing elvis looking guy with a punch bowl and he was passing out kool aid to all of the various bowie impersonators and then they all died in a heap on top of each other and the audience threw their flowers on top of them. it was hilarious.
im in minor sex withdrawl. the boy and i have been on different cycles with sex for the last couple of days, meaning whenever one of us is interested the other is asleep or late for something. this will be remidied tonight, though, i promise

and I tried calling you you have a wierd guy on your vm?
I want to come back up there and play with you lady. Did you check yet?