goddamit! i still dont know what i'm wearing to prom. ok, a little more about my weekend, i went to my first co-ed sex party at 3am. there were tons of people, food and drugs. the first thing that happened when we walked in was the hot naked dj ran up and kissed the boy, which was very exciting for me because that was the first time i'd seen him kiss a boy. the dj and his partner hung out with us all night, drinking, smoking, being sexy with each other and so on. i was mostly just watching, loving seeing the boy enjoy himself in ways he never had before, being happy for the connection and consideration between us all. L was so beautiful, she looked exactly like boticelli's birth of venus, and i loved watching the boy play with her long red hair and small pale breasts. we stayed up long after sunrise and finally passed out in a heap on a couch. i didnt even make it to the hot tub. when it became officially sunday i made a somewhat wistful toast to ben, as it was his birthday, and i couldnt help but wonder what he was doing and if he missed me or still thought of me. also, where the hell is the christmas present he sent he was going to send me? i miss my kitties and snakes, and the boy that loved me so well.
in the morning we looked out the window and saw steve and syd fucking on the lawn, and it was sooo beautiful, watching them reconnect, the joy and intensity was palapable adn visually they were incredible, their short bodies sitting on each other, facing each other, syd's newly blue hair complemented by the vividly verdant lawn. it made us so happy to see them like that, especially after all the tension and strife recently.
after that we went almost directly to the power tool races, which were held in a junkyard. everyone was dressed weird and trashy, it was a beautiful hot day, and people were drinking budweiser on top of cars piled upon other cars.thats my kind of american dream. amazingly i made it the whole day climbing up cars in stacks of four, maneuvering around junk and scrap metal, and watching converted power tools race down a track into a unreassuring pile of pillows, wearing high heel zebra boots and drinking whiskey out of a bottle without hurting myself. there was a huge box full of old computer parts and i crawled in and lay down, hiked my skirt up and put my cowboy hat att a jaunty angle and strategically placed chips and boards around and over me to make geek porn. maybe if i get the pictures i'll post them here. but the highlight was definitely having the white-trashiest sex ive ever had, shimmying down crushed vehicles and climbing in the broken window of a van filled with a.v. equipment, and then lying on the dirty floor and getting fucked. there was a little stuffed kitty keychain hanging from the ceiling of the van that i kept watching as i was pounded and my hat fell off, and i took it and gave it to the boy afterwards as a memento. the best part was when a boy of 12 or 13 wandered back in the yard, investigating the crumpled cars, and peeked in the window of the van while i was getting head. jesus christ, how that made my day, and the expression on his face, like he didnt really understand what he was seeing but knew he shouldnt be seeing it was priceless. fuck, im late for the clinic, time to go.
after that we went almost directly to the power tool races, which were held in a junkyard. everyone was dressed weird and trashy, it was a beautiful hot day, and people were drinking budweiser on top of cars piled upon other cars.thats my kind of american dream. amazingly i made it the whole day climbing up cars in stacks of four, maneuvering around junk and scrap metal, and watching converted power tools race down a track into a unreassuring pile of pillows, wearing high heel zebra boots and drinking whiskey out of a bottle without hurting myself. there was a huge box full of old computer parts and i crawled in and lay down, hiked my skirt up and put my cowboy hat att a jaunty angle and strategically placed chips and boards around and over me to make geek porn. maybe if i get the pictures i'll post them here. but the highlight was definitely having the white-trashiest sex ive ever had, shimmying down crushed vehicles and climbing in the broken window of a van filled with a.v. equipment, and then lying on the dirty floor and getting fucked. there was a little stuffed kitty keychain hanging from the ceiling of the van that i kept watching as i was pounded and my hat fell off, and i took it and gave it to the boy afterwards as a memento. the best part was when a boy of 12 or 13 wandered back in the yard, investigating the crumpled cars, and peeked in the window of the van while i was getting head. jesus christ, how that made my day, and the expression on his face, like he didnt really understand what he was seeing but knew he shouldnt be seeing it was priceless. fuck, im late for the clinic, time to go.
thank you, though actually, its beautiful women.
tis better that way, no one gets in trouble.