Hey, Boring Bastards. Listen up and learn how to live life TO THE FULLEST!!!
Better than running out of toilet paper...getting robbed at gunpoint! Yay!
Yes, I just got back from my first ever firearm victimization. On the way back from an exhilarating trip to Target, I stopped at the neighborhood 3.2 bar to get a bacon cheeseburger and fries to-go. To my surprise and that of those around me, an energetic man in a black stocking cap waving a shiny shiny gun strode in, ordered us on the floor, and took our money. I've always wondered how I'd react in this situation. The answer: I got on the floor, got out my money, and covered my head. Then, after the bad bad mean mean man left, I waited for my order, promised to pay my tab tomorrow as I seemed to have misplaced my money, gave the nice officers my info, and went home to check email.
Ack. I think I need a drink.
You've learned several things about me through this account.
1) - I buy my toilet paper at Target.
2) - I sometimes eat bacon cheeseburgers.
3) - I don't carry a handgun to defend my $65.
4) - I sometimes need a drink.
Through trials, we learn about each other.
Now, it is time to flavor my tonic.
Better than running out of toilet paper...getting robbed at gunpoint! Yay!
Yes, I just got back from my first ever firearm victimization. On the way back from an exhilarating trip to Target, I stopped at the neighborhood 3.2 bar to get a bacon cheeseburger and fries to-go. To my surprise and that of those around me, an energetic man in a black stocking cap waving a shiny shiny gun strode in, ordered us on the floor, and took our money. I've always wondered how I'd react in this situation. The answer: I got on the floor, got out my money, and covered my head. Then, after the bad bad mean mean man left, I waited for my order, promised to pay my tab tomorrow as I seemed to have misplaced my money, gave the nice officers my info, and went home to check email.
Ack. I think I need a drink.
You've learned several things about me through this account.
1) - I buy my toilet paper at Target.
2) - I sometimes eat bacon cheeseburgers.
3) - I don't carry a handgun to defend my $65.
4) - I sometimes need a drink.
Through trials, we learn about each other.
Now, it is time to flavor my tonic.

Likwise I am sure?
Too much crime in the city...