A little R&R before Haiti was had over the weekend. Now I'm about to return to the bowels of a country forgotten by the gods. I leave at 9 PM tonight.
Here's a happy image of me by the MGM Grand pool from yesterday.
Here's another happy image of me and the dear Cinder Suicide from Club Suicide, July 31, 2010. She is such a lovely girl and has such a lovely bottom that I LOVE to spank. It's just a pix of our backs, but Cinder's back is sexy so relish it while you can.

Here's a happy image of me by the MGM Grand pool from yesterday.

Here's another happy image of me and the dear Cinder Suicide from Club Suicide, July 31, 2010. She is such a lovely girl and has such a lovely bottom that I LOVE to spank. It's just a pix of our backs, but Cinder's back is sexy so relish it while you can.

In the second photo from Wednesday's blog your "right hand" girl's bottom has a most lovely blush rose hue.
Good luck during this Haitian redux, bash more concrete into oblivion, and go plumb wild doing toilet installations.