Thursday Sep 25, 2008 Sep 25, 2008 0 Facebook Tweet Email Club Hells was stupendous. I had many lovely ladies over my lap and got to spank several of them. VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS baudot: I left ~12:30. We missed each other for a half hour. And while you may be conspicuously tall there were plenty of others there with Highly Ambitious Footwear. Sep 26, 2008 baudot: I did text you about boxes. No shortage of those from my last move, and you're welcome to them so long as I get them back in time for my upcoming move! Thanks for the kind words on my writing. Oct 5, 2008
We missed each other for a half hour.
And while you may be conspicuously tall there were plenty of others there with Highly Ambitious Footwear.
Thanks for the kind words on my writing.