Updated my (previously nonexistant) pictures. There are now two folders, one for the b&w photography class I took, and another that just has random shots of me. Enjoy smile
::resurfaces from geekdom:: Finished the Harry Potter book at 11pm of the day I got it, after reading until 2am, sleeping, reading 8a-11am, breakfast and an outing for fresh air, reading, dinner, reading.

Fantastic book, very pleased with this one. Shorter than the last, which is an improvement, and packed with action and plot. One of my favorite parts - unlike the past 5 books,...
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Sitting next to my darling, geeking out as usual. We are both on our computers, downloading and playing music for each other, blogging, reading email - he is currently drooling over an online booksale and I am drolling over updated fanfiction. GEEKS FUCKIN' ROCK! :-p love Terribly good mood today :-)

Working 5 days this week, versus the 3 I've worked the last two weeks. Too...
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Looking online for a "What Would Johnny Damon Do?" T-shirt for Drew. He's very amused with my family's - especially my mother's - Red Sox obsession, and he's jumped right in. He went to a game with us in the blistering heat, and watched HBO's "Reverse of the Curse of the Bambino" with papa love He's taken a liking to Johnny Damon so I want to...
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all in all I feel the need to get off the island for a while in order to appreciate all the more what I have here. Not to mention wander aimlessly around a major city to expand my portfolio. I shoot primarily digital at the moment due to budget constraints. Film, developing, printing, all add up to a lot of debt for me. Though I do miss the hours spent in the red light. Thanks for the feedback about the neighborhood, I should be heading there in 6 weeks of so, maybe we can meet for coffee sometime, that is IF I get a job and make enough money to spend more than a month up there. biggrin
Well Hello Again.

Here I am in Pennsylvania, all well adjusted and such, waiting for nursing classes to begin (finally, whoo!) on September 7th. I'm living with my parents again, which is not really as bad as expected, they treat me much more like an adult now and everyone gets along well. I'm working at Trader Joe's which is great fun, even though hours have...
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Question: What is your honest opinion of KOP?
mini update. still in nh, packing and mailing boxes like mad so that as little as possible will be left to stuff in my car. terribly behind in school and trying to rectify situation. Selling shoes at Sears. Not looking at the lovely ladies here for quite some time because modem is too slow and don't like to be reminded of how long it's been...
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I hope your move back home goes well. Im sorry to hear that you havent had a lovely lady of your own for awhile. Just so you know Im in the same boat as you. so now we can have company in are misery
happy holidays, I hope your move went well
So, I'm moving to Philadelphia. After a year on my own it will suck to live with parents again no matter how short the duration, but it will be worth it for a fresh start in a new, bigger city. New England has run it's course for me. So now is the process of throwing away/giving away/selling everything i can't mail in advance or fit...
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aww...we never got to hang out...
Might have to give up my car as a quick fix to financial problems - the monthly payment and insurance is only $100 less than my rent! On the other hand, my lease is up in a month so I would much rather find roommates to live with so I can pay a little less rent and keep the car. It's all contingent upon getting...
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Phone courtesy - When you have a guest and the phone rings, do you answer it? If you do, how long do you talk to them before saying "I have company" or do you even say it?

Personally, I don't think you have to answer it, unless you don't want the answering machine to pick up or whatever. And if you do, I think it's...
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I always keep the ringer switch off...If it is an important call,
I will call them back.

I don't think a ringing phone demands instant attention.