Two days later and I finally have a moment to revel in childish delight. On Tuesday I got out of class at noon and hopped the R5 to 30th street, took the R7 to Trenton, another train to Penn Station, NYC and finally a taxi to the Barnes n' Noble at Union Square.
I MET NEIL GAIMAN!!!!! It was fabulous!!! He read a chapter from his new book "Anansi Boys," talked about books of his that are being made into movies, and answered a few fan's questions about his childhood and inevitably, his ideas for writers. Then I waited in line about 40 minutes (not bad at all) to meet Neil and have him sign 2 copies of the new book, my copy of Coraline, and my 2nd edition Dream Country graphic novel. I was so nervous about being able to catch the train home, and meeting my favorite author, and handing over my books and camera and holding onto my bag, and meeting neil, and how late I was going to get home, and..
By the time I finally stopped moving and tried to say something to Neil I looked at him and burst into tears
What a geek. Seriously, I was so happy to meet him, I cried. It's okay though, because Neil Gaiman is the nicest man on earth. He actually jumped out of his seat and gave me a hug
I am a very happy young woman. Maybe I'll be more dignified next time, but it was worth it to get a hug. He even drew a little rat with his signature in Coraline :o)
I MET NEIL GAIMAN!!!!! It was fabulous!!! He read a chapter from his new book "Anansi Boys," talked about books of his that are being made into movies, and answered a few fan's questions about his childhood and inevitably, his ideas for writers. Then I waited in line about 40 minutes (not bad at all) to meet Neil and have him sign 2 copies of the new book, my copy of Coraline, and my 2nd edition Dream Country graphic novel. I was so nervous about being able to catch the train home, and meeting my favorite author, and handing over my books and camera and holding onto my bag, and meeting neil, and how late I was going to get home, and..
By the time I finally stopped moving and tried to say something to Neil I looked at him and burst into tears

Anyway, the snakes I have? I have a red tailed Boa, and a Kingsnake. But I also have two Nigerian Euromastics, One bearded dragon, One massive Savannah Moniter, one cat and wayyyyy tooo many gold fish.
So any fucking way. It sounds like you had a cool adventure. I haven't had an adventure in awhile.
I do dig animals but in a wierd sort of detached kind of way. I guess it's kind of like sympathy. I feel sorry for them that there really aren't alot of fuckers that have enough empathy to know how they feel about shit, because I know they do feel pain and they do feel fear. But its like, I really don't give a damn about changing the world. All its sickness and for all of its darkness I really admire this worlds unpredictability. I mean if you ask me Heaven sounds like a wicked boring place. Anyway beautiful take care........L8er..........Aj