Looking online for a "What Would Johnny Damon Do?" T-shirt for Drew. He's very amused with my family's - especially my mother's - Red Sox obsession, and he's jumped right in. He went to a game with us in the blistering heat, and watched HBO's "Reverse of the Curse of the Bambino" with papa
He's taken a liking to Johnny Damon so I want to get him a t-shirt to where when I finally get to take him to Fenway :-D
Mmm...there's a photoset I'd like to see. A cute Boston punkette with a red sox hat on :-p What a geek I am.

Mmm...there's a photoset I'd like to see. A cute Boston punkette with a red sox hat on :-p What a geek I am.
all in all I feel the need to get off the island for a while in order to appreciate all the more what I have here. Not to mention wander aimlessly around a major city to expand my portfolio. I shoot primarily digital at the moment due to budget constraints. Film, developing, printing, all add up to a lot of debt for me. Though I do miss the hours spent in the red light. Thanks for the feedback about the neighborhood, I should be heading there in 6 weeks of so, maybe we can meet for coffee sometime, that is IF I get a job and make enough money to spend more than a month up there.